
Monday, January 4, 2021

Holding the Constitutional Line and Stopping the Insanity

 So far, the Constitutional protections of the American Republic have held against the worst assault against them in our history.  Holding, but with some clear weak points that need to be corrected immediately during the Biden Administration.  One of our core values, the peaceful transition of the Presidency, has been seditiously attacked by a President who lost an election and can't accept the loss.  It's the closest thing to a coup that we've ever experienced  The problem is that while there are ways to stop this tantrum, those who are in a position to do so are crazier than Trump.  

I had to laugh at a social media post I saw yesterday, criticizing Biden's speaking ability.  Biden has done a great job of overcoming a stutter, and he's laid out the most coherent plans for trying to unify the country and fix the damage from Trump.  Yes, he does still show signs of a stutter, but then, so did Thomas Jefferson.  There's no comparison between Biden's speeches and Trump's long, rambling blabs in rallies and spontaneous comments to the media where he can't put two sentences together, slurs words, squints his eyes and pinches his lips, never actually presenting a clear, coherent thought and mis-pronouncing and mis-using every third or fourth word.  He looks and acts demented.  Or insane.  He's definitely out of his mind.  

All of his references to voter fraud, and now to attempting to pressure state election officials into just recounting votes in such a way that he wins are ridiculous.  If he really believes what he is saying, which is stuff he pulls out of thin air, then he is genuinely insane by clinical definition.  The election is over, the states have constitutionally conducted their elections according to state law and have certified their ballots.  The electors have cast theirs and there is no way those votes can be altered or nullified.  But every time he utters those ridiculous lies about voter fraud--and if you're paying attention, you notice that the numbers, alleged facts and information he cites are always different and never the same which is a clear sign of a lie--he is openly opposing the Constitutional Republic.  Ignoring the will of the people is something Communists do, not Americans. Trump is acting in a manner which is, by definition, sedition.  

So far, the court wall has held.  I find it encouraging that many of the judges who honestly looked at the "evidence" and discovered that no facts could be found in the Trump lawyers' case ruled in favor of Constitutional law instead of loyalty to Trump even though he appointed them to the bench.  The very definition of "corrupt" would be a judge ruling out of loyalty to the President who appointed him or her instead of following the law.  Trump lost every court case because they didn't have a single piece of paper with evidence of their charge of "massive voter fraud." It was all fantasy conspiracy theory trash, so obviously false that more than half of his legal team quit rather than risk being disbarred for presenting evidence in court that they knew was false.  Well, if you know anything about the protocol under which each of the 50 states conduct elections and count ballots, you would know that the accusations made by Trump's lawyers are ridiculous and do not represent reality.  That's why he lost every court case.  

A lot of the "evidence" that extremist right wing news outlets are showing and pushing never made it to the court because the lawyers who represented Trump knew that they were false and didn't want to lose their law license for violating a legal standard.  Very little was ever presented in court, including the claimed "eyewitnesses" who saw strange things happen.  None of the names of any of those witnesses could be found on the signature page of any precinct voting or counting location where there were observers from both parties.  None.  Zero.  Nada.  On the other hand, each of the states where ballots were challenged brought massive amounts of evidence to verify the accuracy and security of their voting process.  There are always irregularities, but they are not anywhere near enough to overturn an election, even in one of the states where it was close.  The audits and recount in Wisconsin wound up adding about 60 votes to Biden's total.  In Arizona, only five ballots had an "irregularity" that could be challenged in court.  Georgia's ballots had two recounts and three separate audits to insure accuracy.  In short, no evidence of massive voter fraud was ever presented in court.  None.  Trump lost every court challenge, including SCOTUS, unanimously.  

That is overwhelming proof that this election, which has been labelled the cleanest in American history, is legitimate, accurate and represents the will of the people.  It shows Trump to be a pathological liar and completely insane because the fact of the matter is that he cannot overturn the results of the election and he will either leave office on January 20, or be escorted out by the FBI. His conversation with the Georgia secretary of state was a direct attack on the Constitution and the rule of law. Ue has now openly committed treason by attempting to pressure the Georgia secretary of state into altering the results of the election and nullifying legitimate, legal ballots cast by voters.  It's probably a pipe dream but shortly after noon on January 20 he should be arrested and charged with treason against the United States of America because that is exactly what he did in that phone conversation.  And it's too late to change it.  Georgia audited its ballots three times, without any number changing, check its counting machines and had no Republican observer that raised a challenge about anything.  Their election was entirely in the hands of Trump-supporting Republicans.  As much as they may have wanted him to win, they wanted an honest ballot count more, and that's exactly what they got.  

The founding fathers, especially after the example that George Washington set by stepping down after his second term and providing for a peaceful transition of the Presidency, could not have envisioned someone like Trump.  We've had our share of selfish, incompetent and inept Presidential leadership but Trump is the first to attack the Constitution directly and trash the Republic that it supports.  There needs to be a much stronger check and balance on lame duck Presidents.  Their pardon power should end the day before the November election, they should hand over the nuclear "football" the day before the election and the role of commander in chief with power to declare martial law should end the moment a President-elect is certified.  The last days of a defeated President should be limited to ceremonial roles with congressional leadership assuming the executive office powers until the President-elect is inaugurated. 

The Republican Party is doomed.  This stretch of Trump insanity is narrowing his support down to his most ignorant, uninformed, kool-aide drinking followers.  We're up to 70% of all Americans, including somewhere around 35% of Republicans, believing that the election was legitimate, there was no fraud and disapproving of Trump's behavior.  Some eyes have been opened.  There is a growing, active group of former Republicans, now political independents, who are raising money to defeat those in the Senate and Congress who have gone along with this stupidity.  You thought the 2018 blue wave was crushing?  Wait until you see what is going to happen to the GOP in the 2022 midterms.  Even if Biden doesn't get the senate in tomorrow's Georgia election (and I think the Democrats are going to pick up both of those seats) he'll get a cooperative congress in two years.  I don't believe the Republicans can recover from this.  

To believe that there was massive voter fraud in this election is to believe a lie, and that makes the believer a liar too.  Anyone who believes that cannot call themselves a patriot.  They are seditious enemies of the American Constitutional Republic and the rule of law.   

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