
Friday, April 8, 2022

Democrats Picked Up Midterm Election Support This Week

The conduct of the Republicans surrounding the confirmation of Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson may have been something that plays well to the relatively uninformed segment of their base, but it cost them a lot of potential support and it also brought a lot of fence-sitters closer to a commitment to vote Democratic in November. Well, if you believe some of that pesky polling data, anyway.  

If the nomination and confirmation of Justice Jackson is a motivating factor for voters in November, the despiicable, deplorable behavior of the Republicans on the Senate judiciary committee and in the senate chamber itself following the confirmation vote will motivate even more voters to cast ballots for their opposition.  And if you buy all of their claims about how badly Democrats treated Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh, you weren't paying attention. Kavanaugh's behavior warranted the lines of questioning and the investigation into his past behavior.  Barrett fielded some tough questions, but nothing was anywhere near as disrespectful as the manner in which Republicans handled themselves this time around. 

Their responses and their behavior was dripping with rascist condescension.  It was hypocritical, disrespectful not only to the rest of the Senate, but to the American people, because that's our house, that's our government, not theirs, and we require better conduct than that.  We do have the power to enforce our standards and I suggest those Republican senators who behaved so badly should keep that in mind and remind themselves to whom they are accountable.  

Sixty Three Republicans Voted Against Helping Ukraine

What a wonderful way to make a legislative record at a time when atrocities are being uncovered and a destructive war against a fellow democratic republic is being waged by a dictatorial autocrat.  That's a great way to identify where your real sympathies lie, and who you really support.  The fact that these Republicans, who have by their actions turned support for Ukraine into yet another political test of loyalty instead of treating it with the seriousness that it deserves is a question of whether these people even have any human feelings or concerns in them.  

It doesn't appear that circumstances in Ukraine, which are revealing Vladimir Putin's dictatorship for the cruel, inhumane, hateful regime that it is, are going to let up the pressure on Republicans in Congress who are on the record as Putin-lovers and can be legitimately labelled as "enemies of American Democracy and Patriotism" because of it.  

Well, at least we know who is the enemy within, and who the Putin supporters are, if we didn't already know as a result of January 6th.  Thank you for identifying yourselves and giving your opponents a club with which  to beat you in your next election. 

 Thank You Senator Schatz

Senator Shatz Calls Out Hawley Hypocrisy on Defense Department Appointments

Calling out Republican flip flopping and hypocrisy is a full time job.  But it needs to be done.  The GOP is doing a bang up job of undermining its chances to take control of Congress away from Democrats and Missouri Senator Hawley is at the top of the "foot in mouth" brigade.  This deserves all of the attention that it can get and I am glad to see the mainstream media giving it at least some of the attention it deserves.  

Hawley better be careful.  Aside from the real possibility that he could be implicated for his role in the January 6th insurrection, he didn't win his Senate seat in relatively conservative Missouri by a comfortable margin.  Turnout among African American voters who make up a significant minority of the Missouri electorate was down 10% in 2018, when he won over Claire McCaskill by 5 percentage points.  Attacks on an African American Secretary of Defense and the first African American woman Supreme Court Justice look racist. There's a strong and well organized branch of Stacy Abram's get out the vote group operating in Missouri and remember how they got a Democrat elected to the Senate from Alabama?  And I'll leave it at that. 

Thank You Madison Cawthorn

No, I'm no supporter of this extremist North Carolina congressman.  So I was quite surprised when he opened his mouth and confessed that his fellow Republicans are coked-up sex addicts. Too bad we didn't get any names.  Was he bragging?  Did he actually go to any of the parties to which he was invited?  No confession was forthcoming, but boy, did he make some of the gray heads in Congress hopping mad.  

Republicans for the most part gave up on family values and conventional, Protestant morality when they supported the debauched, worldly FP 45, who was probably the guest of honor at most of those parties, if not the host of them.  But this is just another reminder, as that November 2022 election approaches, that the GOP has absolutely nothing to offer except conspiracy theories, lies, complaints and contradictions like Cawthorn. 

The Clarence and Ginni Thomas Scandal

I am probably not the first blogger to label what's happening with Justice Thomas as a scandal.  But that's what I'm going to call this from now on.  The fact that the spouse of someone who sits on the highest court in the nation would be part of a conspiracy to overturn an election, subverting the constitition and plotting a coup against the United States government is just unfathomable.  Had this happened during the Watergate scandal, instead of in these politically polarized times, the pressure on him to step off the court would have been so intense, he'd bave been out of his office and had his keys turned in the next day.  

If he had an ounce of integrity, he would step down now.  But we know from his confirmation hearings that he has none. 

Don Junior's Role in the January 6th Insurrection Confirms the Fact That It Was a Coup Attempt

That's hardly news, but his involvement was revealed this week.  They were planning this long before the election, knowing that there was a good chance they were going to lose.  They intended to use their influence and whatever actual power they had to keep Trump in office, regardless of the outcome of the election and that is a serious crime.  This must go to court and be decided by a jury of patriotic Americans and the perpetrators, including as many Trumps as were involved, imprisoned.   

Let's Help the Media

The Signal Press will continue to put this kind of information out each week, touting the multiple accomplishments of the Biden administration and calling out Republican lies, duplicity and parrotting of false narratives.  You are welcome to share on social media, links, whatever you want, and comments are also welcome.  The more we get out this word, the better things will go in November.  

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