
Monday, May 23, 2022

Appearing at this CPAC Event in Hungary Should Disqualify Every American Who Endorsed it by Their Presence From Any Political Office. Ever. Period.

Trump Shares Hungarian CPAC Platform With Antisemitic, Racist Zsolt Bayer 

Any doubt about Trumpism's racist, antisemitic, autocratic fascist tendencies was removed when the former failed President 45, along with a train of sycophants, appeared at a CPAC gathering in Budapest, Hungary, hosted by Hungary's autocratic fascist dictator Victor Orban.  The fact that these Americans even showed up there is clear evidence of their philosophy, politics and their intentions.  They are not patriots in any sense of the word, they are insurrectionists who are only interested in their own power and influence, and in subverting American constitutional democracy.  Otherwise, they would never have been there. 

Appearing, and openly endorsing, someone who has referred to Jews as "stinking excrement" and to other people, like the Roma, as "animals" should disqualify any politician from any influence or power, and access to any American elected office.  Bayer is a despicable and evil throwback to Europe's fascist days.  Sharing the same platform with Jack Prosobiec, an equally evil and disgusting racist and conspiracy theorist, should turn anyone with a conscience and a sense of morality against everyone who was there endorsing that event and its ideology. 

Read through that article thoroughly.  Some of the most despicable, anti-American, hateful, racist and religious bigotry was laid out for the participants, who warmly embraced it and endorsed it, and in so doing, clearly demonstrated exactly what they will do if they ever get back into power.  

Through college and graduate school experiences majoring in history, political science and political philosophy, I've done a lot of reading from authors who claimed that, given the right circumstances and the right conditions, Americans were as susceptible to fascism, racial bigotry, religious bigotry and hatred as Germans were in the 1920's and 30's, and the roots of this wicked, evil ideology would find fertile ground in the United States.  That, in spite of what some European philosophers wrote who were quite impressed by their observations of American democracy and freedom.  

But it's happening.  Our publicly funded educational system, which was touted as the primary means of preserving American democracy, is failing in multiple ways, and especially at that.  A lot of that failure can be laid at the feet of conservative politicians who have undermined it by starving it for resources whenever they got the chance, overcrowding its classrooms, allowing chaos and violence to disrupt the educational process and demoralizing the very people who are most committed to its ideals and principles. 

Churches have become commercial enterprises with pastors acting like CEO's whose mission and purpose is preservation of the institution and to provide a high quality program of religious entertainment to attract people out of other churches in order to keep the offering plates full.  Like schools, their goal is to be financially profitable and politically influential.  So they don't need pastors who will tell the truth. 

Make This a Political Liability for Every American who was There and for the GOP

Republicans need to make a choice here, to either stand for America and its values and principles, including constitutional democracy, and in so doing, to disassociate themselves from everyone who was there, including the former President 45, Tucker Carlson, and anyone else who showed up.  They're complaining that the "leftist, woke media" is engaged in smear campaign.  No smear is necessary, just report straight up who these people are, what they said, and that should be all that's necessary. 

That CPAC conference was Anti-Patriot, Anti-American.  The consequences of participating should be felt at the ballot box in November.  

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