
Sunday, May 28, 2023

I Expected Too Much, and I was Disappointed

Without going into too much detail, today marked a decision in my life that I honestly never thought I'd make.  I'm a "give 'em the benefit of the doubt" kind of guy, and I gave too much trust away and got burned.  But I've seen some things in people that, if I'd been more careful, I wouldn't ever have trusted.  I did anyway, because of my background and being merciful and all of that.  But I've learned my lesson and today will be the last time I let myself be sold out by Evangelical Christians.  

Leaving means my livelihood is affected in a major way.  I'll have to figure out how to navigate the next year and a half until I can start collecting my social security benefits.  Even then, I'll have to work, but it will be better than working in the environment in which I am now.  I'm done.  I've been sold out, thrown under the bus to suit someone else's agenda.  No compassion, no consideration, no one coming to stand with me though they repeatedly offered to do such.  Nothing there that shows me there was any difference between them and the worldliness they condemn.   

Whatever faith I have is my own now anyway.  The political invasion of the church drove me to the edge a long time back and I've had to keep faithful on my own,   I've always been taught that people will let you down, even fellow Christians, but God is always God.  While the latter may be true, I am ending any association I have with the former.  Unless the Christianity of a friend resembles mine and judges no one else, I'm not hanging around.  

Yes, it is disappointing.  Something that you've lived with all your life becomes unreliable and untrustworthy, has political movtives and doesn't value either your opinion or your quality of life.  So today, it's over. 


  1. Thank you. I had this same experience long ago. Best wishes and good luck.

  2. Most Christians who leave the church feel misunderstood and rejected. Your situation seems much deeper. Sadly, I feel much the same as you do. I get plenty of condemnation from the world. Who needs to be involved in a church that acts the same.
