
Monday, June 10, 2024

What Would Jesus Say About This Kind of Dishonesty and Duplicity?

Evangelist Franklin Graham on Bill Clinton:  

"Mr. Clinton's extramarital sexual behavior now concerns him and the rest of the world.  If he will lie to, or mislead his wife and daughter, what will prevent him from doing the same to the American public?"  

Evangelist Franklin Graham on Donald Trump: 

"I think some of these things--that's for him and his wife to deal with...and I think the same with Stormy Daniels and so forth is nobody's business."  

I must admit, I've never really cared very much for Franklin Graham.  As a Christian, I try to avoid being judgmental and I've never been openly critical of him, though I do not make any contributions to his ministry, as I once did to his father's.  This is not the only overtly political activity in which he has engaged, and it's not the only time his public statements stand in conflict with biblical principle.  While I would not question the sincerity of his Christian faith, that's a matter between him and God, I do question much of what he says, especially when he steps into the political realm, and I am able to see the inconsistency between what he claims to believe, as a "leader" of conservative, Evangelical Christians, and what the Christian gospel, found in the New Testament, actually does say.   

He got it right the first time.  The problem with his refusal to make the same claim for Trump as he did for Clinton is that Trump has already been known as a pathological liar, and Graham is willing to pick up and carry that baggage, along with the adulterous affairs, the now proven-by-evidence rape, the divorces and remarriages, which are also considered adultery by Biblical definition, the insurrection, the lies about the 2020 election and Trump's open denial of the experience of Christian conversion. His claim that he has not done anything to require God's forgiveness is a flat out denial of biblical truth.  The fact that he made this statement to Graham further adds to Graham's lack of credibility.  

This kind of duplicity is an admission of reliance on political power over the power of the Holy Spirit, which is a core doctrine of the Christian faith.  It undermines everything Graham has ever said from a pulpit.  I cannot fathom how someone can claim to have strong Christian convictions, enough to openly call out a sitting President of the United States over allegations of sexual misconduct, and fail to call out much worse behavior in another sitting President who is of a different political party.  That's sheer hypocrisy, the price for which is the complete undermining of Franklin Graham's reputation and his ministry. 

It's a pretty clear statement from Graham that he doesn't believe the doctrine and theology of the Christian gospel.  At least, he doesn't allow it to convict himself of this sin, which it certainly is, demonstrate repentance and in contrition and remorse, make it right by pointing out that Trump's immorality is equally sinful to Clinton's, and that if he is willing to lie to, and mislead his wife and family, as much as he has, then he must also be willing to mislead and lie to the American people, as he has since the first time he got behind a camera with a microphone in his mouth.  A true believer would call Trump out just like Graham called out Clinton.  You decide what his failure to call out Trump makes him, I'm already there.

And it causes another question to come out of this obvious duplicity and deception on Graham's part.  

What's in it for him?  

What outcome is worth the loss of credibility that comes with this kind of dishonest duplicity?  

Franklin Graham is not alone in picking up all of this immoral baggage and owning it by their support.  It seems like there are many so-called, self-appointed "leaders" among Evangelical Christianity who place a higher value on loyalty to Trump than they do to Christ, and on political power over spiritual power.  That's the only plausible explanation for behavior like this.  

It's getting more and more difficult to find Evangelical Christian leaders who are committed to the truth of scripture instead of a corrupt, adulterous politician.  

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