
Saturday, August 24, 2024

Right Wing Ridicule Aimed at Gus Walz Tells Us All We Need to Know About "Conservative Values"

"Truly I say to you, inasmuch as you have done it to the least of one of these, my brothers, you have done it unto me."  Jesus Christ, Matthew 25:40 

Those of you who read here regularly know that many of our posts are aimed at comparing and contrasting the Christian gospel, as defined by Jesus and the Apostles and authors of the New Testament, with the pseudo-Christian far right wing political movement that has captured and transformed much of conservative, Evangelical Christianity, turning it into an apostate cult.  Somewhere around half of the posts here follow this theme.  

We've assembled a mountain of evidence and observations to support this claim.  The affirmation of much of our readership, which has grown considerably, is proof that our message resonates with a group who feel the same way, and who feel their church experience and membership has been pulled out from underneath them by the intrusion of an antichrist and his message.  

Vindication of Our Contentions Came on Wednesday Night of the Democratic National Convention

One of the most moving moments of the DNC for me came on Wednesday evening during Governor Walz's acceptance speech, when he publicly declared that his wife and kids were the love and focus of his life, and his son, Gus, stood up, cried, and proudly pointed to his father, declaring his love for him and demonstrating his excitement over his being nominated for Vice President of the United States.  

I cried.  

There wasn't anything political in that moment at all.  The governor was introducing us all to his family and it was easy to see they were his pride and joy.  It was a spontaneous moment.  I've worked in education for my entire career, and I couldn't help but think what an honor for the Governor to have that simple, public moment of acknowledgement from his teenage son, and how many parents of teenagers I know who yearn for moments like that.  

Then Ann Coulter interjected herself into the moment with her now infamous remark on X.  And that was followed by a barrage of right wing Trumpers jumping on to the insulting, and frankly, evil, bandwagon of criticism.  I am still unable to express the anger and the emotion that has been there ever since.  I'm not one to burst forth with a string of f-bombs and curse words to express how I feel about something but when I saw a tic-toc video of a young reporter, Elizabeth Booker Houston, blasting Coulter for her cold-hearted, wicked, inexcusable remarks, all I could say was, "amen!"  

Coulter's cruelty was compounded by the fact that Gus Walz has a diagnosed nonverbal learning disorder, and ADHD.  Whether she knew that or not is irrelevant to the criticism.  What it shows us is that our criticisms of Coulter's callousness, lack of empathy or feeling, and inhumanity, are right on target.  She is a despicable human being and her representation of conservative Republicanism is a black mark on that entire political party.  

She deserved every word of the barrage of criticism that rained down on her and frankly, I hope this was the moment that ends her public career and makes her withdraw permanently from public view.  It's one thing to advocate for the politics of right wing Republicanism, but to do it in a way that demonstrates such a stunning lack of character, absent of any hint of humanity, is inexcusable.  

Of course, criticism of her attack came swiftly from Democrats.  But what tells us everything we need to know about just how despicable, immoral and lacking in any semblance of character Trump and his supporters are is their silence.  Trump should have been the very first person to smack down Coulter and put her in her place, disassociating himself from her despicable behavior and separating his campaign from this clearly and quickly.  Their silence tells us that they lack human character, a conscience and they are bottomless in their selfish ambition.  

Their silence disqualifies the legitimacy of Trump's pursuit of the Presidency.  We do stand for something in America, and clearly, neither he nor those he attracts, stand for anything.  

Do you get it now?  

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