A journal for the purpose of discussion and expression aimed at speaking with grace, gentleness and respect
Monday, September 30, 2024
Democrats Are Always Better For the Economy and Now is No Different
Discerning the "Lesser of Two Evils" Requires Defining "Evil" First
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Evangelicals Must "Clean House" and Rid Themselves of the Trump Intrusion, or "Have Their Lampstand Removed"
Sunday, September 22, 2024
An Opportunity Missed by American Conservative Evangelical Leaders
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Matthew 5:9 NIV
Texas Baptist Standard: Springfield Faith Leaders Stand With Embattled Migrants
Texas Baptist Standard Editor Eric Black: Condemn False Claims About Haitian Immigrants
It has been heartwarming to see local pastors and church leaders in Springfield, Ohio, step up to help defend and protect their neighbors from attacks that are the result of lies, and there is nothing else to call them but that, lies told by the Republican party's nominees for President and Vice-President, to try and gather support for a political issue. After all, many of these people, who were invited into the community to fill jobs that are helping support the economic revitalization of the town, are also in the church pews on Sunday, and actively engaging in the church ministry during the week.
What an awful thing it has been, and continues to be, to see Americans, all of whom are the descendants of immigrants ourselves, either stand idly by while this happens, and not call it out, or join in to help terrorize this community with threats of violence and bomb threats, disrupting the life of the community and spreading fear that helps push hatred of people who were completely innocent of what they were accused of doing, and who have done nothing but contribute to the betterment of the entire community.
Telling this lie, having it proven to be a lie, seeing the terror that it caused and then seeing both Trump and Vance, a fellow Ohioan, continue to defend it and continue to lie tells me that neither of these men have the moral character to serve in public office, and that they have absolutely no understanding of, or respect for the core values that make America the great nation that it is. They don't know that the true "blood" of America can't be corrupted or "poisoned" by immigrants, because the blood of America that built this nation is the blood of immigrants, of all races, ethnicities and cultures.
The fact that there is not a flood of criticism and repudiation of this from Christians of all brands, stripes and varieties in this country is very telling about how much real Christianity actually exists among these sects, and how much the people who belong to them actually know about who Jesus Christ was, what he taught and the values and character traits by which he set an example for his followers to live out.
Christians who openly support this candidate, his running mate and his party really need to do some sincere, deep, self-evaluation of their own faith.
My friends, this can't go on. A spring doesn't gush fresh water one day and brackish water the next, does it? Apple trees don't bear strawberries, do they? Raspberry bushes don't bear apples, do they? You're not going to dip into a polluted mud hole and get a cup of clear, cool water, are you? James 3:11-12, MSG
The fact that some of the big names of self-proclaimed Christian "leaders" among conservative Evangelicals have not spoken up to condemn this clearly anti-Christian lie, and the threats that it has caused, as well as condemning those politicians who are defending it and continuing to spread it, is legitimate cause to question their Christian maturity and the depth of their spiritual commitment to the Christian gospel, and to Jesus Christ. It's not my place to judge their conversion experience, but as a fellow Christian, it is my place to call out this obvious sinful behavior. And it is also legitimate to call them out for continuing to support politicians who are so obviously anti-Christian in their values and morals, and anti-patriotic in their commitment to America's Constitution and its founding principles.
I would expect to see Christians who do have sincere convictions and a living, active faith step up and put themselves in a place to be of service to both the people of Springfield, and specifically, to the Haitians who are being terrorized and will wind up bearing the brunt of the threats. So far, it looks like those stepping up to defend what is right and true, and to help out are more of what the conservatives like to criticize as being liberal, progressive and woke. I am not surprised that they are the ones who are demonstrating a sincere and committed Christian faith.
How is it possible, after seeing something like this happen, for people who claim to follow the teachings of the Christian gospel, continue to support a politician who is so much the opposite of what they claim to believe? And what kind of testimony is it showing to the people of Springfield, especially to those who share a commitment to the same Christian gospel?
Baptist News Global: Greg Garrett, "Who is my Neighbor?"
An Honest Question: How Much of the History of the Modern Middle Eastern Conflict Involving Israel Do Most Americans Know?
Friday, September 20, 2024
Religion is a Factor in the 2024 Election, Protecting Freedom of Conscience and Religious Liberty is a Priority
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Why Kamala Harris Will Win This Election
Monday, September 16, 2024
Something About Fruit, Intruders, Commandments, Good Samaritans, Neighbors, Sheep, Goats, and Liberals in Northern, "Godless" Democratic Cities
Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Matthew 7:14-15.
I can't get behind someone based on possible, incidental agreement with some of his policies, but whose character is atrocious, lacking any moral or ethical guidance, and the complete opposite of what Jesus Christ taught about character to his followers. I'm one of them, and that makes it difficult for me to even listen when Trump speaks, and impossible for me to even think about voting for him for President of the United States, a country whose constitution, laws, and government his actions show that he despises and hates, and a Christian faith, it's confession, repentance and grace, which he absolutely refuses to acknowledge.
Apparently Jesus did not think that the church he was establishing, based on the gospel he preached and taught during the three years of his public ministry in the Jewish provinces of Galilee and Judea, was immune to the intrusion of false prophets. He spoke multiple warnings against them, and his Apostles, who wrote this all down, helped Christians identify false prophets intruding into the congregations of Christians.
For certain intruders have stolen in among you, people who, long ago, were designated for this condemnation as ungodly, who pervert the grace of our God into licentiousness, and deny our only Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. [Jude, v. 4]
That's a pretty clear warning, and way of identifying ungodly intruders in the church. Politics has most definitely intruded into some elements of the American church, most notably into conservative Evangelicalism. This is not a new thing, it became an organized, deliberate effort on behalf of partisan, Republican politics prior to Reagan's election in 1980, when Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson set up organizations to divert money from church mission causes into right wing political campaigns.
It became licentious when Trump, bragging about his ability to sexually humiliate and assault women because he was a celebrity and could get away with it, became the political inamorata of the religious right. When some Evangelical leaders, and some of their followers, embraced Trumpism, and Trump, ignoring or giving him a pass on his openly immoral worldliness, they opened the door to an intrusion of ungodly perversion of their church's mission and purpose. In spite of their best efforts, Trump has refused to follow their doctrine of conversion, failing to acknowledge his sinful nature and recognize Christ's sacrificial death on the cross by denying his sinful nature and his need to have God's forgiveness.
The Apostle John, in his first church epistle, chapter 4, verses 2 and 3 labels this kind of denial of one's sinful nature, and refusal to acknowledge the grace received as a result of Christ's death on the cross, as the spirit of the Antichrist. I'll let that sink in before moving on.
Matthew, the former tax collector and outcast, who was one of the original twelve apostles, says that false prophets can be identified by their "fruits." meaning by the outcome of their works or their lifestyle. At one point, he records a conversation Jesus had with a lawyer who was a member of the Pharisee party, what amounted to a theological "test" of his knowledge of the scriptures.
Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?"
Jesus replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and the greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the law and the prophets hang on these two commandments." [Matthew 22:34-40, NIV]
I put the emphasis in bold on those words, because in this short passage, Jesus is actually equating these two commandments, tying them together, and literally making one of the core theological points of the Christian faith. He's saying that loving one's neighbor as one's self is the way that one demonstrates that they love God with all their heart, soul and mind. And he says that the essence of one's faith, "all the law and the prophets," hang on these two commandments.
At another point, recorded in Luke 10:25-37, Jesus relates a parable to illustrate the answer to the legal expert's question, "And who is my neighbor?" The parable, known as the Good Samaritan, goes to a very dramatic length to show that Samaritans were included in that definition, and that God expected a demonstration of love for the Samaritans as a demonstration of love for himself.
Samaritans, sort of like the Haitian immigrants who have come to the United States after a series of natural and political disasters left their country in a state of anarchy, were actually hated by their neighbors, the Jewish residents of Palestine in the provinces north and south of theirs. They were of mixed racial and ethnic heritage, a remnant of the poor inhabitants of the land left behind when the Babylonians conquered in 586 B.C. They were pagans, isolated from the restored Jerusalem temple. They were so despised and hated, that Jewish people who were traveling from Jerusalem to Galilee would take a much longer route, going east of the Jordan River then north through desert country, in order to bypass Samaria, adding dozens of extra miles to an already difficult trip.
Jesus, by intentionally making the Samaritan the example of the neighbor, against two other characters who were both Jewish religious leaders, also made the point that he did not consider any ethnic, religious, racial or social boundaries as barriers between human beings. And when Jesus traveled from Jerusalem to Galilee, he took his disciples through Samaria, deliberately encountering and engaging with the people.
In Considering What is the "Lesser" of Two Evils, Note That Jesus Says Failing to Love Your Neighbor is the Greater Evil
There are a couple of things to catch here. One, this is not an optional virtue, or a choice for Christian practice, it is a commandment. Christians are to love God with all of their heart, soul and mind, in other words, all of their being, and they are to demonstrate this by loving their neighbor, who is, by Jesus' definition, all of their fellow human beings, most particularly all those with whom they come in contact with and with whom they share community.
So it's a correct conclusion to call what Trump and Vance are doing to the Haitian community in Springfield, Ohio evil. Clearly, they are not loving their neighbor, and that means they are showing contempt and disrespect to God as well. How does that sit with hypocritical Evangelical leadership?
And if you're considering the Pope's remarks, calling the election a choice between the "lesser" of two evils, then it is very clear, by this Biblically supported doctrine, that Trump and Vance are guilty of being the greater evil.
"They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves."
You Will Know Them by Their Fruits
The lies being spread about the Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, obviously prepared talking points by Trump, an outright lie brought up in the debate, and being promoted through social media tells us everything we need to know about Trump and Vance, and the hypocrisy of their entire political platform. If what Jesus said was true, and loving one's neighbor as one's self is truly a mark of the genuine sincerity of one's Christian faith, then this despicable incident, the spin they've tried to put on it and the callous and inconsiderate way they have continued to treat the Haitian people in Springfield is an example of hating one's neighbors.
The "fruit" they are bearing is certainly not compatible with true Christian faith and practice. Telling that kind of lie, bringing that kind of terror into the lives of people who are actually contributing to the revival of a dying community has nothing to do with Christianity, it's purely evil.
Is that the kind of hatred and bigotry Evangelicals want as their own image? Because that's what standing with Trump is going to get you.
The kind of hatred they are fomenting against this Haitian community in Springfield, many of whom are Christians themselves and who attend local churches, is the same sort of hatred against multiple ethnic and racial populations found in their Project 2025, their blueprint for taking over the United States and making it a "Christian nation." As the Bible says, you will know them by their fruits. Well, the fruits of Trump and Vance involve perpetrating the same kind of hatred on anyone they deem not to be part of a white, Christian America. Read the plan. Though it was developed by the Heritage Foundation, there's nothing Christian in it, in the biblical sense of that term. It's not Christian at all, it's Satanic.
We've Been Through All This Before
All the nations will be gathered before him and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
Then the King will say to those on his right, "Come, you who are blessed by my father, take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick, and you looked after me, I was in prison, and you visited me.
Then the righteous will answer him, "Lord, when did we see you hungry, and feed you, thirsty, and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger, and invite you in, or needing clothes and we clothed you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go visit you?"
The King will reply, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." [Matthew 25:32-40 NIV, emphasis mine]
Last year, busses from Texas would roll into downtown Chicago and discharge their passengers, 50 or 60 at a time, people who had managed to cross the border and apply as an asylum seeker, having escaped some kind of terror or oppression at home, only to have to face being forced on to a bus headed somewhere up north, to one of those "liberal, Democratic" cities.
Maybe Governor Abbott, and those nice, conservative politicians down there in Texas do deserve some credit for showing a little bit of humanity. At least they didn't separate parents from their children, mothers from their babies, such as the Trump administration did. Putting them on a bus to an unknown destination, in the winter, without warm clothing or other provision seems more hostility to me than hospitality.
So they began arriving up here, in this northern city full of liberal, "godless," Democrats. Even though it was a surprise at first, and no one ever really knew what each day would hold, in terms of how many would show up, they were welcomed here. All kinds of community groups, churches (yes, even in this "godless" northern city full of Democrats we have churches, lots of them, some of them liberal, too) came out to help the city and county officials tasked with finding places for these people to sleep, food to eat, medical care, things they needed for their children, all those things that Matthew mentioned in his gospel narrative.
It was a little overwhelming at first. There were people sleeping on the floor in most of the police stations, many churches had multiple overnight guests, and we worked things out as best as we could. People brought food, tons of it, and clothing, shoes, coats, blankets, cleaning supplies, in large quantities. Gosh, how is it that the people in this northern, "godless," Democratic city were that generous. And when the city and county were running low on funds, people stepped up to help with that, too.
I'm not sure how many of these people we cared for here in Chicago and in the surrounding area, but I've heard estimates at 100,000. It took a couple of weeks, but once the effort got organized, housing was located, empty apartments, empty school buildings, the Catholic church did some arranging in several of their closed schools to house people, and slowly, the floors of police stations and hotel rooms rented by the city and county emptied out, and people found places to live. The influx of asylum seekers also helped with a shortage of labor in the area, not all of the available jobs were filled but there were enough to help most of these people become much more self-sufficient as they wait for word on their asylum status.
Remarkably, the crime rate in Chicago has continued on its downward trend, something that began several years ago, and the influx of asylum seeking immigrants has not had any affect on it at all. Children have been accommodated in local schools, and best of all, none of the people who came here as refugees have had to experience the violence and brutality they were exposed to before they left home. Whether they are able to return home or not, is unknown, but in this northern, liberal, "godless", Democratic city, they are welcome and safe.
"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
The Christian thing to do, according to the Bible, which Evangelicals claim as inerrant, infallible and the "sole authority for the faith and practice of the Christian church," is not to vilify, frighten, arrest or deport these people, who are also, by biblical definition, our neighbors. It is to do exactly what those "godless" liberal Democrats did in those northern, Democratic cities did. It is doing for the Lord by doing for the least of these, whom he calls his brothers and sisters. So that would make those godless, liberal, Democrats in that northern liberal city, by biblical definition, the sheep on the right.
The goats are still in Texas.
As Trump Lied His Way Through the Debate, False Evangelical Prophets Lie to Continue Their Loyalty
Baptist News Global: Trump Prophets Ratchet Up Attacks After Debate Against Harris
It's a joke, to insist that standing with Trump is standing with truth. It is also a condemnation of anyone who makes that claim. It makes them liars, too.
To anyone who has the ability to use a computer, read a book, or listen and understand a speech, the lies Trump told during his debate performance, which triggered even the debate moderators to make note of a fact check when he started in on the lie about immigrants kidnapping and eating the pets of people in Springfield, Ohio and Aurora, Colorado, makes his complete lack of honesty pretty obvious. For anyone claiming to be Christian, and thus standing for truth in that way, Trump's incessant, obvious lying is disqualifying.
Evangelical Christianity, especially its Pentecostal/Charismatic branch as represented by most of the men who were subjects of the BNG article that is linked above, is full of liars, cheats and deceivers. We have some outstanding examples in this country of religious imposters, mainly for the purpose of profiteering off gullible people. That seems to go hand in hand with Trump politics. Everything that Trump said last Tuesday was a lie. Everything. And now we have these religious imposters proving that they, too, are liars, by their claim that they are standing with Trump, "because he stands for truth."
Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Matthew 7:14-15.
The "fruits" these men produce are what comes of following a fraudulent and lying politician, like Trump. He doesn't tell the truth and their defense of his lies makes them liars. Most of these so-called Evangelical "leaders" are after the same things Trump pursues, power and money. So they are willing to ignore his immorality, his lies and his corruption and crimes, to continue to deceive their followers into supporting him. And they are willing to ignore his open denial of the Christian gospel itself, in his refusal to admit that he has done anything requiring God's forgiveness.
That, according to the early church Apostle John, is the spirit of antichrist.
"..but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world. I John 4:2-3, NIV
Refusing to acknowledge one's sinful condition, in Evangelical doctrine, is a denial of Jesus' atonement for human sin, which Christians believe was accomplished when he was crucified. That they see as a sacrifice for human sin. To deny that is to deny the whole of the Christian gospel. And that's exactly what Trump has done.
Political Issues verses the Character of the Politician
Back in 1996, the late Dr. Adrian Rogers, pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee and a former President of the Southern Baptist Convention, preached a sermon that was titled, "Does Character Count?" His argument was that the character of a politician, their morality and their ethics, being someone who considered that they represented the will of "the people" rather than "some people," and above all, the ability to trust their truthfulness and honesty, weighed above the benefits of, and agreement with their policy. Dr. Rogers argued that character should be placed above all, and that issues and policy weigh a distant second as a Christian determines how they exercise their vote in an election.
Of course, Dr. Rogers was aiming his sermon at President Clinton, following revelations of his alleged sexual misconduct with Monica Lewinsky, as a means of discouraging Christians from voting for him. According to Rogers, Clinton's immorality was his disqualifying factor. But Dr. Roger's words hold true when applied to Trump as well, though many of his congregation are loath to acknowledge that Trump's immorality, cheating, and lying, disqualify him from office in exactly the same way Dr. Rogers insisted Clinton did. Truth, if that's what you believe it is, is still truth. And that makes Trump as reprehensible as his Evangelical base thinks Clinton was.
Evangelical "Leaders" Standing in Support of Racist Bigotry and Hatred of Their Neighbor, Which is Equal to Hatred for God
If they're standing for Trump, then they're standing for racist bigotry and hatred. Look at the way they have disrupted people's lives in Springfield, Ohio, taking something good, the economic and financial revival of a community, and dumping their hatred right on top of it. Claiming to stand with Trump means claiming to stand with his racist bigotry and hatred, a direct and serious contradiction of the Christian gospel.
Since we're talking about Evangelicals, let's talk about Jesus again.
Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Saducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?"
Jesus replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and the greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the law and the prophets hang on these two commandments." [Matthew 22:34-40, NIV]
So, by equating these two commandments, Jesus is saying that the way someone who claims to be a Christian, following him, demonstrates his or her obedience to the first and greatest commandment, to love God with all your heart, soul and mind, is by loving one's neighbor as one's self. So all of that hatred poured out on the Haitian community in Springfield, Ohio, by Trump and Vance is their public testimony that they also have no love or respect for God. And that also applies to each of these so-called Evangelical leaders who claim to be standing with Trump.
Landon Schott, pastor of the multi-campus Mercy Culture Church in the Dallas-Ft Worth area, said during the Democratic National Convention, "You are not a Bible-believing, Jesus following Christian if you support the godless Romans 1 evil of the Democratic party!"
Well, Landon, it seems that Jesus is saying, in Matthew 22:34-40, that those who hate some of their neighbors in Springfield, Ohio, which would include both Donald Trump and J. D. Vance, who are spreading vicious lies about them and subjecting them to terror as a result, are clearly demonstrating their hatred for God by showing their hatred for their neighbors. And if you're standing with them, then, well, take that for exactly what it means, or make a choice, between your loyalty to Trump and your loyalty to Jesus, because you can't do both.
From a personal perspective, I can't support a morally and ethically reprehensible candidate for President of the United States on the basis of some kind of incidental agreement with a few of his policies, though frankly, I find Trump to have few real policies and none with which I find any agreement. I can't in good conscience, vote to elect someone who doesn't have the character, the discernment, the common sense or the mental and emotional stability to provide leadership to this nation, and whose words demonstrate a complete disconnection from reality. And I would not, under any circumstances, vote for a man who incited, and led, an insurrection against the United States Government, on the basis of what was conclusively proven to be a lie.
And the fact that this particular group of Evangelical leaders, advocating for the heretical views of Christian nationalism, which are completely antithetical to the Christian gospel and to the words of Jesus Christ as recorded in the gospels of the New Testament, think Trump represents truth, makes them as antipatriotic, and as un-Christian as he is.
Friday, September 13, 2024
Evangelicals Have Been Beguiled and Deceived and They're Blind to the Realities of Trump's Agenda
I can't get behind someone based on incidental agreement with some of his policies, but whose character is atrocious, lacking any moral or ethical guidance, and the complete opposite of what Jesus Christ taught about character to his followers. I'm one of them, and that makes it difficult for me to even listen when Trump speaks, and impossible for me to even think about voting for him for President of the United States, a country whose constitution, laws, and government his actions show that he despises and hates, and a Christian faith, it's confession, repentance and grace, which he absolutely refuses to acknowledge.
For those who read this who were not raised in, or have never been a member of an Evangelical church in the United States, some of what you may read here will be difficult to understand. I was raised in an Evangelical church, a small, conservative, Southern Baptist congregation of 50 people, and I received most of my higher education in a university and graduate school affiliated with the same denomination.
I'm going to put this in the kind of terminology, using interpretations of passages of the New Testament, that Evangelicals will understand. Those who are not Evangelical, or who are not Christian, can still figure out the message that is being communicated. In one sentence, it is this: Following the guidance provided in the Bible about what it means to be a Christian, committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ, Trump's worldly character and lifestyle are completely inconsistent with Christian faith and practice and voting to put him in the Presidency of the United States would be antithetical to the kind of commitment and loyalty required to be faithful to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Loyalty is to Christ, or to Trump, But It Can't be to Both
Evangelicals have been deceived by Trump, and they have been spiritually blinded. Most of them are single-issue voters, they get all of their information inside a closed bubble of their own biased sources, they have believed provable lies, listened to his rhetoric, and given him the loyalty that they once reserved only for Jesus Christ. He's become a political messiah, and their support is based on imagery, and on lies. They've become radicalized in their support of him, seeing an image of him that does not exist in reality. They are blind to his corruption, dismissive of his blatant immorality, including his objectivization and sexual abuse of women and his fraudulent business practices. They ignore his refusal to even take the first step toward a genuine Christian faith, which is acknowledging conviction of one's sinful nature. He claims he is sinless. Yes, he does. Openly.
The Bible's authors warn Christians about being beguiled and deceived into idolatry. The problem here is that, because they stand to benefit from the political power that Trump will get if he is elected to the Presidency once again, they are unable to see the truth.
For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising then if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15, NIV
Trump's masquerade of himself to conservative Evangelicals is rooted in the abortion issue. This is something they've been after for decades, going all the way back to Jimmy Carter's term in office, when Jerry Falwell, James Roberson and Pat Robertson first formed their organizations to support Reagan, because President Carter's interpretation of the establishment clause didn't open the door for them to try and get judges on the Supreme Court who would overturn Roe.
Since then, that's been a single issue to which most conservative Evangelicals tie their votes, not only for President, but for other offices. It has distorted their perspective, allowed politicians to play on their convictions, using this issue to get support for their own agenda, often leaving this one behind for someone else to try to pick up. Reagan didn't apply the litmus test of abortion to his SCOTUS nominees. Bush Sr., ignored the religious right and nominated pro-choice justices based on their financial and business convictions. Dubya kept the swing "balance" in place to avoid having Roe overturned while he was in office, sensing that it could bring political disaster to the GOP.
And that left Trump, a man who loved having his immoral sexual escapades become the front page headlines of the gossip columns and social media outlets. Trump has never been opposed to abortion, at one point openly stating his support for it, and being the subject of multiple rumors at times when an affair he had may have resulted in an abortion or two, especially after he already had all the heirs he wanted to leave behind. Nor is he opposed to it now, as he clearly stated in Tuesday night's debate. He's just interested in the political effect supporting the pro-life Evangelical position has on his ability to win Presidential elections.
He claimed he was a "deal maker." And so, he made a deal with the political structure of the far Evangelical right, through groups like the Heritage Foundation.
They made a deal with the devil. And he deceived them to get what he wanted.
He made it pretty clear during the debate on Tuesday that he doesn't think the six week limit on when an abortion can be performed is long enough. It's a short statement, but he said that clearly. And he doesn't think a woman's right to an abortion should be restricted. He only supported the overturning of Roe because "everyone, Democrats, Republicans, everyone wanted it to go to the states." That's a direct quote.
So he deceived his Evangelical supporters into believing he was pro-life, when he was only using that as a means of getting their vote. And now, he's trying to get the votes of those he thinks are pro-choice liberals. His duplicity is simply a sign of something that we knew all along, Trump cannot be trusted.
Trump Rejects Basic Christian Doctrine, Including Conversion or Salvation
For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. Jude, V. 4, NASB
From an Evangelical perspective, Trump is "not one of us."
He is an intruder, whose gateway into American conservative Evangelicalism was political power, not spiritual leadership. His morality precludes his being able to get in on the latter basis. His open denial of having had a genuine conversion experience means his Evangelical supporters can' even claim that his bad behavior, including his incessant lying, pushing for violence on his behalf and the whole string of crimes he has committed, have been washed away with all his other sins, because he claims he doesn't have any sins that need to be washed away.
Among Evangelicals, "salvation," or the conversion experience that leads to forgiveness of one's sin and restoration to a right relationship with God, is a core and essential doctrine. It is not possible to be Christian, by the Evangelical definition of the word, without being converted, and it is impossible to be converted without first experiencing conviction for one's sinful nature, and the sins that have been committed in their life, and then recognizing that receiving God's grace through the sacrifice Jesus made, his crucifixion and subsequent resurrection, is how that grace is received and applied.
The first step toward conversion is conviction and confession of one's sin. This, Trump has publicly refused to do. Even when directly confronted by well known conservative religious leaders, Trump denies that he has ever done anything requiring God's forgiveness.
By this you know the Spirit of God. Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. And this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world. I John 4:2-3, NRSV[emphasis mine]
Those are the words of the Apostle, John. The confession of Christ is essential to a salvation or conversion or confirmation experience in every Christian tradition, including the Evangelical one.
There are those who are critical of Evangelicals who sometimes try to "baptize" politicians or political views that are not consistent with Christian doctrine and practice. Trump has made it impossible for them to run around accountability on that bypass. And this separates Trump from Christianity. Failing to acknowledge this on the part of many Evangelical leaders separates them from Christianity, too.
The Dilemma Associated With Project 2025
And the Devil took him up and showed him all of the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time, and said to him, "To you I will give all this authority and their glory, for it has been delivered to me, and I give it to whom I will. If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours."
And Jesus answered him, "You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve." Luke 4:5-8, ESV
The Christian church has been tempted with the bait of political power to advance its ends since Constantine issued the Edict of Milan and declared he saw a vision of a cross with the words, "By this sign, conquer." The only problem with all of this is that establishing a "Christian nation", a theocracy similar to the Old Testament covenant relationship with Israel, has no basis in the gospel of Jesus Christ. And that's clearly illustrated in the symbolism of this particular temptation of Christ.
The end result of seventeen centuries of the church being subjugated and merged with the political power of the state was centuries of warfare and bloodshed, the virtual death of any real evangelistic or spiritual Christian faith, and a church which became an unrecognizable institution when compared with the one Jesus envisioned and inspired the Bible's writers to describe, explain and instruct.
The principles, practices and virtues taught by Jesus, found in the gospel, are antithetical to violence and bloodshed which resulted from forcing a pseudo-Christian, false gospel on people using the political power and authority of the state. It was tyranny, and the various versions of Christian nationalism being advanced by far right Evangelicalism contradicts every precept and principle taught by Jesus, commanded by Jesus and every example set by Jesus. It is not Christianity, it is antichrist.
And on top of all of the tyranny that the 900 some odd pages of Project 2025 would impose on the American people, including the threat of the use of violence and bloodshed against those who resist, someone on one side of the issue or the other is lying through their teeth. It's either the Heritage Foundation, which authored this draconian, heretical, tyrannical political platform with Trump's approval, blessing and input, according to them, promising he would implement every point of it if they helped him back into the White House, or it is Trump lying about not ever having anything to do with it, and trying to distance himself from it because his campaign team told him supporting it would guarantee his defeat in November.
This is yet another dilemma for a narcissistic politician who is playing one side against the other in the hope that neither one will notice while they are voting for him. He's a two faced liar. And I can't be any more clear than that. To conservative Evangelicals, he's pro-life and the killer of the Roe decision. To moderate, pro-choice voters, he's the guy who did what "everyone" wanted, by letting the states vote on abortion, but keeping it legal outside the six week ban now imposed by some conservative states. To conservative Evangelicals, he's the reason Project 2025 exists, and they wrote it for him to implement. To everyone else who is alarmed by its extremism, its pandering to billionaires and stripping the American middle class of the last vestiges of their wealth, and this is something someone else came up with that he's never heard of.
We don't need that kind of mess. That's a disaster waiting to happen. We need leadership, not equivocation, truth, not lies, character, not corruption.
Yes, Character Does Count, for a Whole Lot
For a branch of the Christian church that claims such a high level of doctrinal integrity, theological accuracy, and spiritual superiority for itself, Evangelical support of Trump is an astounding display of ignorance and gullibility.
For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and produce great signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. Matthew 24:24, NRSV
Even while Jesus was alive, he was warning his followers of the consequences of being deceived. All of the theological and doctrinal accuracy, and belief in the inerrancy of scripture is worthless if those who claim to believe it fail to recognize its message and cannot discern the absence of any kind of the visible values and character the Christian gospel says are the visible signs of belief and commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ. I don't think it is that difficult to discern the lack of character in someone who lives a licentious, worldly, lifestyle centered on the acquisition of power and money, determine that he embodies the spirit of antichrist (I John 4:2-3), and to avoid putting that person in any kind of leadership position on which our country depends.
Policies are the product of the kind of give and take required in a free society where the people are empowered by democratic values. Politicians must understand they are the servants of all, not just obligated to favor those who agree with their particular preferences and stance on the issues. The character of a candidate is a much different matter. Leaders must be trusted and their character tells us they can be trusted. No leader is going to get 100% agreement on policy from 100% of the people they are responsible to lead. But they do need to get 100% of the trust of those people who are depending on them for the nation's security and prosperity.
Dr. Adrian Rogers, the late pastor of the Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee, preached a sermon back in 1996 entitled "Does Character Count?" In it, he used biblical principles to affirm that the character of a leader, even in a secular democracy, is of far more importance than a platform of issues, and he laid out some specific evaluations of character for his listeners to apply to candidates for which they were planning to vote. Of course, Dr. Rogers was aiming to steer Christians away from voting for Bill Clinton, and his bias is duly noted. But his biblical principles are still valid points, and they haven't changed. If Bill Clinton, by those standards, did not have the character to be the President of the United States, then I would submit, by those same standards, neither does Donald Trump.