
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

To Evangelical Trump Supporters: Trump Has Sold You Out

Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.  Matthew 7:15

Hello, my Evangelical friends and former fellow church members.  I hope you were watching the debate last night.  If you were, and you paid close attention, you would know that your "inamorata" politician, Trump, has completely sold you out.  He thinks you are in his back pocket, that you will set aside your convictions and beliefs to vote for him, because that's basically what you already do.  And he does not think he must be accountable to you any longer, in order to get your full support. 

A Huge Flip Flop on Abortion Rights

Trump has flip flopped on the key issue of abortion rights.  After bragging to you that he appointed three Supreme Court justices who were key in overturning the Roe v. Wade decision, which made women's reproductive health care a constitutional right, he now claims that he's not opposed to abortion, that a six week window in laws restricting access to abortion is not long enough, that he is OK with each individual state determining, by vote, whether to allow abortion rights or not, and that he's willing to live with the referendum results in Ohio, Kansas, Kentucky and other conservative states where voters sent the message to their state legislators that they want abortion to be safe and legal.  

More importantly than that, he clearly stated that he would not be in favor of a federal law banning all abortions, something every politically oriented Evangelical group supports 100%.  

In other words, he's sold you out in order to get votes, because he has seen that a significant percentage of the population wants the protections of Roe v. Wade restored.  He can't just take a reverse position because that would make him look like he made a mistake, so he invented this ridiculous argument that "everyone wanted the states to be able to do this."  That, by the way, was a big lie.  Not even all Republicans wanted that.  But his pathological lying has never seemed to bother you much, has it? 

So, according to what Trump said in the debate last night, if all 50 states passed laws making access to all women's reproductive health care decisions back to the women, including abortions, he would support that because the states voted for it.  And he would not support any attempt in Congress to pass a national abortion ban.  That goes against every reason you have ever given for supporting a moral degenerate like that as a candidate for President.  It's the one thing you have consistently used to defend your support for someone like him, who rejects even the basic premise of a Christian conversion experience.  

Do you really have strong convictions and beliefs about this?  Where does this leave you?  It leaves you with nothing, politically.  

Trump Denies Support for Project 2025

Trump also turned his back on those of you who were wistfully hoping for a Christian America.  All that work done to produce Project 2025, in full consultation with Trump himself and with his campaign, something he openly lied about during the debate, claiming he had nothing to do with it and doesn't plan to do anything like that, thrown  under the bus, along with the Heritage Foundation, who initiated the project at his instigation.  

The Heritage Foundation took great care to try and keep Project 2025 a secret, because they knew if that came out and looked like it might be a Republican party platform, it would cost them at the ballot box.  I'm pretty sure the orders to keep it secret came from Trump himself, since there is plenty of evidence he was directly involved in its authorship and told the Heritage Foundation if they helped get him elected to office, he would implement every point of it.  That's the kind of deal he makes. 

He also threw his own VP nominee, J.D. Vance under the bus, since Vance has been trumpeting his support for Project 2025, along with Missouri Senator Josh Hawley, also a supporter.  And I'm pretty sure that includes a lot of you, who think that God gave white people this virgin continent on which to create a true Christian nation after all of the bloodshed and fighting in Europe for the better part of ten centuries.  

It's unfortunate that there are Christians who do not know enough about what Jesus said and taught, and about what the scriptures you claim to be inerrant and infallible, have to say about this to know that goes against everything Jesus said and did.  Establishing some kind of "Christian" rule, by force if necessary, is nothing short of tyranny.  And for the church, heresy.  You can continue to believe whatever you want, but in this constitutional democracy, we all have freedom of conscience and freedom of religion.  

And you now have a Presidential candidate who claims he had nothing whatsoever to do with Project 2025, because he knows that if he does, he loses the election.  

Trump has sold you out on two of your most important political issues.  Are you going to show the strength of your convictions, and stop supporting him or are you, as I suspect, going to continue to bow the knee, and replace Jesus with your pseudo-savior Trump?  

No Wonder Your Churches Are Emptying

When people try to make excuses by claiming that "God sometimes uses evil men to achieve his purposes," it's a sign of their desperation for worldly, political power.  The reason the things you want don't ever seem to materialize is that they are not in God's will, they are in yours.  God's not going to place the power for you to control someone else's life in your hands.  That's what you are seeking, with these political alliances and support for candidates like Trump, who have similar ambitions.  

It is clearly inconsistent to preach the Christian gospel and then give political allegiance to someone who refuses to even acknowledge that he has sinned, and needs God's forgiveness.  You are being used, by leaders in your churches and denominations, and most especially by people who have set up their ministry like some corporate entity, designed to take your money and deliver empty promises in return, in order for them to get the political power they need to make more money.  

Of course, my perspective is that Trump is lying, and if elected, won't care what he said during the campaign.  There's a big risk in that for you, though.  Last time he made a lot of promises to you that he didn't keep, hoping you would be satisfied with the judges he appointed and wouldn't complain about all the things he didn't do for you.  He may still try to implement Project 2025 and claim that his deceit was just "owning the libs."  If you think that's funny, and being deceitful in politics is something Jesus would do, I question, legitimately, whether you even know who he is.  And if Trump's willing to flip without acknowledging what he promised or said earlier, who's to say that he wouldn't do the same to any of you, on any issue he chooses to use to protect himself or line his pockets.  That is, if you still have any convictions left to stand up for.  I'm not so sure any of you still do, after this.

And there's always the risk that his billionaire friends and his dictator buddies mean more to him than you do, as his most loyal constituency.  He thinks you're stupid and gullible, which is why he feeds you the ridiculous lies and conspiracy theories, and you confirm your stupidity and gullibility by buying it.  It's pretty likely that, with money on his mind, you'll get thrown under the bus too, once he's used you to get what he wants.

Go read the book of Jude, and follow his advice regarding intruders in the church.  Trump and Trumpism is an antichristian intrusion and deception.  It's time that it was shown the door.


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