Tuesday, October 22, 2024

A Vote For Jill Stein is a Vote to Starve the People of Gaza

 And don't even think of it as anything else.  A vote for Jill Stein is a vote for Donald Trump.  And if Trump wins the election, on the strength of the tiny fraction of votes Stein is able to secure, then the pressure that President Biden is putting on Israel to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza will cease, and his "not an ounce" of aid policy will cause Gaza's starvation.  And Stein will be responsible for that.  

So a vote for Jill Stein is a vote to ensure the starvation and destruction of Gaza, and of any hope at all for a two state solution in Palestine.  

So, to all of those Arab American voters who the media keeps mentioning as being such a large voting bloc in Michigan, and perhaps, in a really close election, the difference between Harris winning enough electoral votes to win, or losing enough votes to lose, you have a choice.  

Do You Really Care About the Palestinian People of Gaza?  

Let's settle this issue first.  Do you really care about Gaza and the Palestinian people, or is this just a convenient political issue to use as a power grab?  If you really care, then you know for certain that Trump's election equals Gaza's demise.  

Though I believe most American Arabs, including those of Palestinian origin, understand that America's position in foreign policy toward Israel is that it is our ally in the Middle East, and that it has the right to exist and defend itself, there are some who do not understand that a Vice President cannot unilaterally make foreign policy alone.  It is unrealistic to make demands and expect them to be explicitly met in exchange for political support.  A democracy doesn't work that way.  A President cannot alone dissolve an alliance with a foreign power, that requires an act of Congress, through the Senate.  And the United States is not going to dissolve its alliance with Israel, or endanger its ability to defend itself by embargoing arms, at least, not in the wake of the horrific October 7th attacks on Israel, they're not.  

Making that demand, and expecting it to be carried out or else is unrealistic.  But it is very clear that the United States is opposed to continued bombardment and destruction in Gaza.  As it was reported by Lawrence O'Donnell, on his October 21st show, the President and Vice President are daily putting pressure on Israel and Hamas to negotiate a cease fire, and it has been US pressure on Netanyahu to force him to back away from his "not one drop of water, not one ounce" of aid and actually deliver humanitarian relief to Gaza.  

And the course for the future, from the perspective of the United States, is a permanent cease fire in Gaza, negotiating the release of the remaining hostages, along with a two state solution.  Biden, and Harris, both support the creation of a Palestinian state free from Hamas control, able to provide for the needs of its people.  Getting there requires patience.  

Jill Stein has no resources, no inclination and no ability to do one thing to benefit the people of Gaza.  She could be organizing aid, instead of wasting resources on running for an office she has zero chance of winning.  A vote for Jill Stein is a vote to condemn the people of Gaza to starvation, because it will have the same effect as a vote for Trump.  And if Trump is elected, Gaza is doomed to destruction.  Netanyahu will raze it, and he's already said he plans to turn the population into refugees and empty the Gaza strip.  Trump will support that 100%. 

Jill Stein has absolutely no ability to achieve anything on behalf of the people of Gaza except more suffering.  

So, if you really do care about the suffering of the people of Gaza, then you will help provide the resources for humanitarian aid, and you will support the one politician running for President who not only will have the power, but will use it in the best way possible to relieve the suffering of the people of Gaza.  And that's Kamala Harris.  

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