Saturday, April 13, 2024

A Colossal Waste of Time and Money

When indictments were handed down against Trump, in the documents case and as a result of the insurrection on January 6, 2021, I had a change of heart about the prospects of actually seeing justice be served with regard to the most corrupt, most criminal Presidency in the history of this country.  We failed, because of a politically motivated pardon by Gerald Ford, to prosecute and bring to justice the first criminal President in American history.  But, in spite of the failure of the two impeachments of Trump to gain convictions, both of which failed because of political manipulation and the abandonment of American patriotic values by most Republican members of the US Congress, when these indicments were handed down, I started to believe that maybe justice would actually prevail.  

Unfortunately, we do not have a justice system that can function in a world of big money, spent on armies of lawyers for the sole purpose of piling on delays in order to clog the court calendar, shut down the system and, in the case of a former President and presidential candidate, gain just enough time for him to take a shot on winning the election and then, using the power of office and his choice for attorney general, and judges on the federal bench, to shut it all down and avoid being tried altogether.  Those in this country who cannot afford grossly overpriced attorneys to buy time must face the consequences of their actions.  Those who have money can buy lawyers to set justice aside, and if that doesn't work, to influence judges to make it work.  

Our nation and its government is failing a basic test proving we are a nation of laws, and that we are all equal under the impartial rule of law.  It is becoming apparent that we are not a nation of equal justice under the law, and for some people, with enough money and influence, there is no law at all.  

The Media is Overly Excited About the Upcoming Hush Money Trial 

Trump is going to face a trial over the illegal hush money he paid to Stormy Daniels to cover up the fact that he committed adultery with her just two months after his youngest son was born.  The cover-up was to keep this fact from coming out before the 2016 election, and costing him votes.  This, frankly, is a nothingburger.  The judge has been either unwilling, or afraid, to hold him accountable for threats and defamatory statements made against just about everyone involved in the prosecution.  

The media is giving a lot of coverage to this and is trying to drum up excitement as a means of distracting from the fact that the really important trials, the ones involving attempted overturning of a legitimate election and the compromise of our national security, aren't going anywhere anytime soon.  

If that were me, and I had allowed my mouth to run off like that, I would be waiting for trial in an orange jump suit among the general population of the local jail.  That's where Trump should be now.  The fact that he isn't doesn't leave me with much hope that any form of justice will be the result of this trial.  Frankly, whether or not he bribed a porn star with hush money is far less important, as far as I am concerned, than compromising national security by stealing and deliberately hiding classified documents from the FBI, or organizing an insurrection to try and overturn the Constitution's provision of the peaceful transfer of power and overturn the results of a legitimate election.  But apparently, our justice system doesn't think those things are that important.  If they did, we'd see evidence of it, and dates being set for trial long before the upcoming election.  

Don't count on that happening.  

A Staggering Investment of Time and Money is Being Wasted

I've run out of patience for the sighs, the shrugs, the resigned acceptance of delays, obfuscation and endless legal maneuvering of the federal courts where the documents trial and the insurrection trial are to be held, which can only happen when a client has massive amounts of cash to spend to buy that influence, of those involved, claiming "there's nothing we can really do about it."  What that tells me is that there's not much belief in the cause they are involved in carrying out, or we'd see a lot more pushing, shoving, and fighting to stop delaying and get on with it.  

And yes, I'm aware that there's a wait for the Supreme Court to eventually come up with a ruling on Presidential immunity, something that one of their appeals courts took on like it was a first year law school assignment, and thorougly and completely covered the case so well that if the Supreme Court rules differently, they might as well confess to gross incompetence.  The one hope for justice that I hold, if the Supreme Court makes a horrifically ill-advised ruling against what the appeals court already ruled, is that it will guarantee President Biden's re-election in a landslide, and a Democratic majority Congress that will quickly pack the court and neutralize the incompetent justices.    

The way I see this, those who are the prosecution against Trump are representing me, and the rest of us as "we the people of the United States vs Donald J. Trump, the insurrectionist anti-patriot."  And I'm just not satisfied that they are representing us in the manner in which we want to be represented.  They are spending massive fortunes of our tax dollars on what appears to be heading to a place where justice will never see the light of day.  I do not see any fight at all, what I see is shrugs of shoulders and acceptance of the fact that delays can be purchased with enough money to get enough lawyers to work the system and slow everything down.  

And on top of that, throw in a couple of judges who are not impartial, but who are moving heaven and earth, in their lifetime-appointed career where incompetence cannot get them fired, to tilt the balance toward the criminal defendant.  No one who is getting paid massive amounts of our tax dollars, either for ridiculous salaries for lifetime-appointed jobs, or for representing the criminal defendant or prosecuting on behalf of the people, will have their career evaluated on their job performance, like the rest of us do.  

The Point of No Return

We appear to have reached several of these points as a result of long delays in taking action against the crimes that have been committed against the United States.  After a Congressional committee laid out a massive mountain of evidence, nothing happened.  Months went by, as the justice department went about the appearance of doing something, while it was actually conducting business as usual, and wasn't doing much of anything.  Public pressure finally reached a point to force appointment of a special prosecutor, another delayed action since the one who was appointed wasn't immediately available.  

Crime would be rampant everywhere if it took more than three years to start building a case against a criminal who had committed over 90 serious felonies and if that criminal could buy time to avoid a trial for years after the crimes had been committeed.  Once the court proceedings have been delayed beyond a certain point, prosecution becomes more difficult.  In this case, there's an expiration date on the effective ability to prosecute these charges, and that's January 20, 2025.  After that, if the criminal is successfully elected to the Presidency, the prisons will open their gates, and the crime of insurrection against the United States will become null and void.  

And if Trump is not tried, and convicted, before the upcoming election, then that is a point of no return.  We will have reached that point, theoretical up until now, where the effectiveness of the American Constitution and equal justice under law, will have ended.  Chaos will ensue.  And we will only have ourselves to blame, for sitting idly by, putting up with the obfuscations, delays and the corruption of our justice system while everyone involved got their money and all they cared about.

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