Friday, April 26, 2024

A Values-Focused Faith Produces a Plan for Israeli-Palestinian Peace

Quakers Propose Israeli-Palestinian Peace Plan 

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.  Matthew 5:9

The biggest difference between Quakers and conservative Evangelicals is in how they live by their faith.  Evangelicals tend to be doctrinal purists, and, in spite of vehement denial, focus their belief in Christian conversion on getting all the details of a convoluted, twisted set of doctrinal standards and theological beliefs right.  Then that leads to God's acceptance and forgiveness.  

The Quakers, on the other hand, leave doctrine and theology up to the individual Christian.  They believe conversion is the spiritual connection that occurs when "that of God within," that part of human existence that is created in God's image, connects with the spirit of God, uniting the believer with both God, and with others who believe.  And that leads to a faith that is focused, not on "getting it right," but on living by a visible set of values, found in the Christian gospel, which define one's life, and which give it mission, purpose that includes valuing, caring about and loving all other people as fellow human beings created in the image of God, and making human existence better.  

The core values defined by Quakers are derived from the same biblical text Evangelicals claim to believe.  These values, which, when lived out, define one as Christian according to Quaker doctrine, and include simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality and stewardship.  It's easy enough to find several Quaker sources that will define and explain those values.  But I want to focus on the values Quakers are bringing into this particular discussion of resolving the long, ongoing conflict in the Middle East, caused by opening up Palestine to Jewish immigration following World War 2 and the Holocaust.  Personally, I think what they have to offer here is not only worth considering and implementing, but I think it has the potential to work, provided a similar set of values is instilled within, and observed by those who are directly involved.  

It's Time to Set Aside Those Whose Rhetoric Ends in Violent Failure, and Listen to Those Who Have Experience and Success in the Application of Peace, Equality and Justice

"For centuries, Quakers have worked for peace," according to the April 12th article by the American Friends Service Committee.  "This mission is a practical expression of the nonviolent message of the gospels, 'Love your neighbor as yourself''."

It's not like this is some outside group making a political statement on the Israel-Gaza war.  The Quakers are there, starting refugee work in Gaza in 1949, and are still there, along with the West Bank and in Israel.  They've operated a school in Ramallah for 150 years, which, according to the AFSC, was one of the first educational institutions to provide education for Palestinian women, and have a meeting house in Ramallah as well.  So, the AFSC, as a Quaker voice, have first-hand knowledge of of the entrenched inequality, violence and injustice that has persisted in Palestine for decades.  According to the committee, they have known that violence would eventually result from desperation, and have been there every time it has, with relief, and with the application of the values of equality, peace and justice.  

You could say that, when it comes to the Middle East, Quakers are "woke."  And that's a good thing, because the hatred and violence that is advocated by those who are critical of, and opposed to this kind of societal wokeness only makes the problems worse.  Being woke is the only hope there is to resolving them and to bringing peace.  

So the Quakers are speaking with first hand knowledge, from a position that has a foundation undergirded by real values that are actually practiced, and not just talked about, and from the experience of having actually helped to bring about peace, equality and justice in those places where they've been able to minister and apply the resources available to them.  They speak with authority.  And instead of listening to those whose vision for both Israel and the Palestinian people always end in violence and have failed over and over, maybe it is time to listen to those who actually value peace, equality, and justice, and have the integrity to be consistent in their application.  

The Quaker Peace Plan Will Work, But it Will Take Commitment, Time, Resources and Integrity

So what's different about what the Quakers are proposing that gives this the potential for success? 

First of all, there is recognition and acknowledgement that the situation which has been created has produced violence from both sides of the conflict.  It's not just the immediate situation, prompted by the October 7th attack on Israel, that is at the core of the violence which is taking place.  Problems caused in a place where three different religions have a focus on the "sacredness" and importance of the geographic location go back to even before the time when the restrictions on Jewish immigration were set aside and the state of Israel was established.  This solution addresses the root causes, and it is based on a very honest assessment of those causes, rather than on the typical finger pointing and the political and religious bias that contributes to the violence and hatred.  

Second, this plan includes neutralizing the religious and political bias that is at the heart of Middle Eastern terrorism and violence.  It will take the empowerment of leadership committed to doing this to make it work.  There is a clear recognition in the plan that identifies those who have the power to make this plan work, and what they must do in order to achieve this, including the Israeli government, Hamas and other armed Palestinian groups, and the governments of the Western Allies.  Rather than attempts to de-legitimize each other, blame each other or get some kind of advantage, this plan assigns equal responsibility for using the power they have to make things happen.  The research they've done on how possible it is for each of those groups to do what they are required to do is remarkable.  

A Lot to Ask

This plan is not advocating for a cheap, easy peace.  There is a recognition of sacrifice required from all parties.  Hamas, and other Palestinian militant groups born out of the tangle of Middle Eastern politics, must deny their own nature, and hold those who have committed human rights violations, or who broke the law, accountable.  This means they must take responsibility for the October 7th attack by bringing those responsible to justice.  That's a gigantic ask, but a necessary one if peace is to be achieved.  

Likewise, Israel must release Palestinian political prisoners, and it must recognize independent, autonomous Palestinian territory, which means giving up settlements in the West Bank and extending full civil rights to all Palestinians who are in its own territory.  The Western Allies, specifically the United States and the United Kingdom, must assume responsibility for backing these policies, treating Palestinians and Israelis equally, supporting and helping enforce the ICJ restrictions on Israel and basically guaranteeing the original two-state solution.  

I would add to this that it means a full denial of mistaken, errant Evangelical eschatology which basically states the belief that Israel is entitled to all the land and the Palestinians should be run off, because they're not entitled to it, even though they've lived there for thousands of years. This belief is based on some convoluted, false connections between the Old Testament covenant, the book of Daniel in the Old Testament and the book of Revelation.  It's pretty clear that this misinterpretation of biblical prophecy is neither accurate, nor is it "infallible," because it has helped produce violence and hatred, and has contributed to a problem rather than resolving it.  That's clear evidence, from any Evangelical perspective, that it's not God's will. 

Eliminating the Profiteering on War and Destruction 

One of the points made by the AFSC, as part of the direct and immediate action taken by the Quakers themselves is to "Divest from corporations profiting from militarism, including the occupation of Palestine."  

By including this particular statement in their overall plan, the Quakers have identified one of the root causes of war in the world today.  Someone benefits from this, through the sale of arms and equipment required to wage war.  They have a vested interest in keeping this war going and they have placed a lower value on the life of some human beings than they have placed on the dollar amount in their bank account.  To get to that point in one's thinking requires the complete abandonment of any values, and shutting down the cash flow is not only an action advocating for peace, but one of the quickest ways to get there.  If the warring parties only have enough weapons to defend themselves, and not enough to wage an aggressive war, the fighting would end long before anyone has to come around to a more peaceful way of thinking.

Protesting United States aid to Israel is not equal to undermining the existence of Israel.  As surely as Iran and Russia have helped provide weapons for aggression to Hamas, what the United States provides for Israel has enabled this extensive invasion of, and destruction of Gaza.  If either group only had enough weapons for their own defense, and not enough for an invasion or all out war, this would be over by now, and we'd be at least one step closer to peace.  

This Plan is Not Perfect

The plan is based on a belief in the equality of human life, on the exercise of free will, and in a dependence on something, whether it is a higher power, or just human intellect finally figuring out the futility of injustice which only leads to violence, destruction and death.  It also involves the use of existing international law, which has worked to resolve the whole Israeli-Palestinian conflict over the years, and which has proposed solutions which the major western powers have either not enforced, or modified to suit their own politics.  

There are Jewish and Palestinian voices calling for peace and expressing a willingness to have it.  Those voices need to be supported and strengthened by those who have power and influence and can support their initiatives and their desires for peace.  

I think one huge part of this involves the United States getting hold of itself, and figuring a path out of the confusion and chaos we are now experiencing as one of our political parties has lost itself and its American patriotism, and is contributing to the chaos and instability that causes these violent flare-ups for the purpose of advancing their own political causes.  We currently have a Supreme Court that is willing to let the rule of law fall into ruin, and politicians who favor a Russian autocracy because it has the potential of taking away power from their political enemies.  This same kind of autocratic fascism plunged the world into disaster in the 20th century and that's where it is headed now, if we don't do something to stop it.  

Thank you to the Quakers for having the virtue to allow values to speak truth to power.  I hope power is listening and willing to make the commitment. 


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