Monday, July 1, 2024

A Right Wing Dictatorship is Exactly the Agenda of the Far Right, and Evangelical Supporters of Trump

Six of the current members of the Supreme Court were appointed by Presidents who listened carefully to the extremist Evangelical right [I refuse to call them Christian, since they have revealed to us that they aren't in any way, Christian] and took their names directly off of their approved list.  Five of those six are Catholic, and the sixth, Neil Gorsuch, was a former Catholic who now attends an Episcopalian church.  And while the primary qualification for all six was that they were favorable to overturning Roe v. Wade, something all six lied about when testifying before Congress during their hearings, the underlying agenda is their willingness to support Christian nationalism.  

Many Catholics have a strong interest in Christian nationalism, and in establishing church authority as the primary influence over the civil government because of their long, long, long history of being the state church in most of Europe.  The Protestant Reformation was, in part, a rebellion against the absolute authority that the Pope wielded over monarchies, and against the horrific cruelty with which the church dealt with those who refused to bow the knee.  The Reformation still didn't bring about the separation of church and state, or religious liberty.  In fact, it only made the wars between countries longer and bloodier.  

And that is the legacy of Christian attempts to create a theocracy, resting the principles of the Christian gospel on the political power of the state, and enforcing, by that same power, ideals, principles, doctrine and theology that Jesus himself never intended to be "enforced" at all.  His gospel was a message of redemption, the ideals, principles, doctrine, theology and practice coming out of spiritual conviction and renewal, not because it is ordered by law  

We Are on the Road to the Goals of Project 2025

I'm just a Democrat, a blogger on social media.  I'm no prophet.  But I can see where things are heading.  And if you want to see where they are going, and exactly how your civil liberties are about to be taken away from you, you need to google "Project 2025" and read what you find there.  This is a Christian nationalist agenda and I am quite surprised that, while it has been out there for some time, there are few warnings out there about this.  And yet, this is the agenda that the Trump campaign and the extremist Evangelical right have formed and plan to start implementing if, in fact, Trump winds up winning the election.  

You can thank the Supreme Court for this intrusion into your freedom of conscience and religion. 

I would advise Democrats to use every means possible to educate as many voters as possible about this plan.  These people know what they are doing.  And they've been planning this for a while. 

Evangelical Churches and Denominations are not Democratic, They Are Autocratic 

Most of the Evangelical leaders who are up front and public in their support for Trump are megachurch pastors or they are executives in large ministry organizations that collect millions of dollars, out of which they take a more than fair share.  There is little accountability.  In the bigger churches, the congregation is set up as an oligarchy, called "Elder rule," which is basically the pastor setting himself up with a few of his more enthusiastic supporters as Elders, in order to get what he wants in the way of conducting church business.  Sometimes there is an annual meeting, at which members can theoretically ask questions and provide input, but generally, these pastors face little accountability.  

The salaries are exhorbitant, making these leaders rich beyond the dreams of most of their members.  It comes out of the collection plate.  Aside from building church buildings that are monuments to themselves, the biggest expense is not the missionary activity and ministry which they preach is the most important work of the church, and that betrays the lack of sincerity in their preaching.  

Long ago, I lost any confidence in anything any of these "leaders" had to say.  Their hypocrisy is self evident.  They undermine the credibility of all Christians with their self-centered interpretations of the Bible, manipulating the text to support what they want to support and justify whatever sin they want to justify.  Their support for Trump, who has gone so far as to openly deny the very path to conversion and redemption that they claim to preach, is a sickening display of their contempt for God and for the sincerity of those in their own congregations. 

They claim to believe that the Bible, the sixty-six books accepted by most Protestants, is "inerrant," or without human error in its original writing, and infallible in its content, authoritative in all matters of Christian faith and practice.  But when preaching from the Bible, most of these preachers consider their words as "spiritually inspired," and intentionally leave their congregations with the impression that their interpretation of scripture is the correct one, and all others are wrong.  That's how they justify their absolute power.  So questioning the pastor is equated with questioning God.  

This is how they rule over their congregations.  Fortunately, burning at the stake, which was the typical means used by the Christian church during most of its history as a state church, is against the law, for now.  Now they have to deal with people who just walk away from their authority and leave the church.  A lot of people do that, in fact, Evangelical Christianity has lost a significant number of members over the past couple of decades.  But most people are too mezmerized by the preaching, and convinced that the preacher holds the keys to heaven for them that they are fearful of telling the truth.  

That explains why they are attracted to Trump.  He represents the path to power, money and influence and he has promised to get some of the same for them.  In turn, they've replaced preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ with sermons full of political rhetoric and justification of the anti-Christian, worldly lifestyle he has chosen not only to live, but to brag about and celebrate.  He has succeeded in replacing Jesus as the savior of many people.  

The Will of the People:  Are We Going to Protect Ourselves From the Dangers Trump Poses? 

Right at the very time that Democrats need to be united, on point, and gathering resources to give them the ability to beat Trump into the ground, we are dealing with disarray within our own party.  I sure hope that the events of this past week, specifically, today's Supreme Court decision, serve as a wake up call and Democrats can throw off this funk and unite to defeat the worst enemy our country has faced since Hitler.  

The fact that there are as many Americans as there are who don't see problems with Trump's plans for a second term and Project 2025 is appalling in and of itself and is an indictment of our public education system's ability to teach critical thinking skills and how to develop common sense.  But there are enough Americans who are appalled by this, and who see what is happening, to stop it.  So Democrats have the job of convincing them to vote straight ticket and give us a Congress that will put a stop to this nonsense.  

So my question stands for you to answer.  Are we going to protect ourselves from the dangers Trump poses?

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