Monday, July 1, 2024

I Don't Want My Country to Lose its Constitutional Democracy

The plan to overturn the 2020 election by inserting the votes of fake electors and then, by a mob intent on making sure Congress didn't count the electoral votes that were legitimately supported by the majority of voters in each state, failed.  At least, it failed on January 6, 2020, to achieve the result of overturning the election by insurrection.  

It appears to have gathered momentum, however, and it has allies in high places, including the United States Supreme Court, the media, the federal judiciary, some state legislatures and courts, and it has what appear to be a significant number of followers and advocates in the electorate at large.  The fight for American Democracy isn't over yet, in fact, it has just started.  

With recent Supreme Court rulings, coming from the most partisan court in American history, one that has most of our founding fathers turning over in their graves, the odds of keeping the Constitution in tact and democracy in place are getting slimmer.  We are at a point where something must be done to curb the power of six judges who were the top recommentations of the most conservative elements of the Republican party, or we are going to lose everything.  

It's not like we didn't see this coming.  Rush Limbaugh, the Heritage Foundation, a whole collection of extremist right wingers figured out how to control the courts.  Right wing activists like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and others set up the colleges and universities to train lawyers for the purpose of getting them into lifetime appointments on the federal bench.  Conservatives pushed for the election of politicians who were willing to abandon working on both sides of the aisle to get things done in exchange for a "winner take all" attitude.  The problem with that has been that while the Republicans take it all and burn down the house after them, Democrats still play the game of negotiation and compromise.  And so we lost the court that matters most.  

How to Save Our Democracy Now

If we do not win this election, that's the end.  And at the present time, with all of the difficulties that present themselves over getting anything done in Congress, including any possible pressure they could put on the court, this is the only option we have.  

The focus of the Democratic party right now, however, is not on preserving and protecting the democracy, or winning the election.  We're focused on yet another distraction, the same kind of thing that has cost us elections and distracted us, and put is in the position where we are right now.  I don't know what it will take to slap us in the face, collectively, and get the focus back on winning this election, but whatever it will take, that must be done.  

Every American who does not want to see this constitutional democracy dissolved right before our eyes must decide they are going to make sure they cast a ballot which will prevent Donald Trump from being elected.  This Supreme Court has called us to action.  Democratic party members must reach out and make sure independent voters, Green Party voters, moderate Republican voters and every single Democrat registered to vote.  Joe Biden must be relected President.  

Are you with me?  

No President is President Alone

Joe Biden is 81 years old, and he just had a sub-par debate performance.  Well, be honest.  Trump lying through his teeth during the whole debate didn't help him out with any of the voting constituencies he needs to win either.  It was one debate performance.  If that's going to cause the kind of panic and reactionary caterwauling like it appears to have done, like an almost scripted gift to the Trump campaign, then we probably need to just concede now, give it up and get ready for the bloodbath and civil war that's coming.  

But no President serves alone, or at least, no real President does.  Trump tried it, and he failed.  Biden has some of the Democratic party's best people around him.  The cabinet is solid, we have some of the sharpest and most estute governors in the country, and his surrogates among the members of the House and Senate are the best politicians in the nation, head and shoulders in experience, wisdom and knowledge of government over their Republican counterparts.  

I don't have any doubt that Joe Biden is up to the job for four more years, and I am supporting his re-election campaign 100%.  I'd vote for anyone running on the Democratic ticket regardless, because I would also be voting to keep Trump from getting back in the Presidency.  I want to make sure our country remains democratic and committed to the rule of law and to its Constitution.  If his age should somehow become a factor, after he's been elected President, there are capable people behind him who could continue seamlessly to push forward.  

I hope those who have been muttering, complaining, threatening not to show up, or to support the other side over their very specific cause see just how dangerous to themselves and to their cause it would be to make the mistake of feeding their own frustration rather than helping elect the guy who is going to be their best advocate.  We have a great party and our strength is in our diversity, as long as we don't let the diversity become selfish ambition that pulls us apart.  So Gaza supporters, Latino voters, Black voters, Asian voters, women, young voters, Jewish voters, working class voters, Green Party voters, independent voters, moderate Republican voters, voters who disapprove of the SupremeCcourt, voters who are in favor of women making their own health care choices,  and everyone else who stands to lose everything if Trump is re-elected, it is time to unify the party and put up a solid front.  

Joe Biden is the Democratic party nominee, and he's the guy who can beat Trump.  We need to re-elect him and give him a Congress who will start the process of getting the power back in the hands of the people and out of the judicial branch and Supreme Court.  He has the experience and knowledge to fix the damage Trump did during his term, including the balance of the court.  

Are you with me? 

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