Friday, July 19, 2024

The Signal-Press Endorses President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris for Re-election in 2024.

This small, amateur journalist blog, The Signal-Press, is proud to endorse President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris, for re-election as President and Vice-President of the United States.  

President Biden's first term represents some of the greatest legislative achievements of my lifetime.  Aside from its handling of economic policy and practice that has helped the economy not only remain strong, but actually grow, fight against inflation, prevent recession and secure the lowest unemployment rates in more than six decades.  

The President is 81 years old, which means that he grew up in a generation that understood, and respected American values.  He is genuinely a politician who is a "man of the people," whose life experiences give him an understanding of how things are for the rest of us.  He sees his role as being a servant of the people.  When we needed a strong candidate with a solid background who could defeat Donald Trump and rid us of his anti-democratic politics, along with his brand of immoral worldliness proudly on  display for the world to see, we asked Biden, who had unofficially retired after eight years of service as Vice President of the United States, to come back, run, and give us the kind of inter-generational leadership that we needed.  

His return has required sacrifice, which he has been willing to do on our behalf.  It has subjected his family members to undeserved criticism and political attacks.  Through all of this, unlike his predecessor, he has been unwilling to use the powers of his office in a selfish manner, for family purposes.  This has been a demonstration of his commitment to the rule of law, something his opponent is willing to trash for selfish ambition.  

The President is a man who depends on his faith for strength and guidance, not one who uses it to gain a political advantage while denying the power of its practice, like his opponent does so openly.  

And, about that debate.  

Obviously it was an off night.  He's acknowledged responsibility for it.  Does anyone think his opponent would have had that kind of integrity, if the situation were reversed?  

But the President answered the questions that were asked of him, giving facts, not lies, laid out his achievements, again factually, supported by evidence, and told the American people what they could expect, supported by past history and performance.  

Trump lied.  About everything.  And he failed to answer one question asked of him. 

We have a system which our founding fathers created that provides for circumstances in which a sitting President is unable to fulfill the duties of their office.  So that does not preclude an 81 year old man using his experience and his accomplishments, from serving the people of the United States as their President.  If the job does become overwhelming, as a result of declining health or ability, we have one of the most competent Vice-Presidents in our history ready to step into the job at a heartbeat.  

Vice President Harris has exhibited presidential leadership qualities that will enable her to do the one thing required of a Vice-President, step in when necessary.  And that completely removes the issue of the age of the President  

Vice President Harris is one of the strongest, most progressive Vice-Presidents we have ever had, and she has made her capability and qualifications to be President very clear.  It would be a smooth transition, if it were ever necessary.  The Vice-President has been actively engaged in the administration and is knowledgeable, with a wealth of common sense.  I particularly like her more progressive political position and hope that leads her to serve in her own right, elected to office at some point.  

Regrettably, there are forces which have infiltrated the Democratic party for the purpose of disrupting the election.  There are multiple individuals who would benefit if the result of their intriduction of chaos into this campaign succeeded.  Fortunately, the issue of who will be the Democratic party'snominee for President was settled long ago, by the votes of 14 million Americans who chose Joe Biden as their top candidate.  Our aim, at this point, is to ignore the distractions and work to support the campaign of President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris.  There will be time afterward to settle the wrongs being done at the present time, and make the Democratic party more unified in its resolve to preserve Democracy and prevent oligarchy.  

Elections are won by turout.  As it appears there is well more than enough support for President Biden to win this election, we commit to stand behind him and help secure all of the votes necessary for hin to win.  He is the candidate of economic growth, of positive international relations and gaining respect for America's position in the world, of law and order, and of sacrificial public service.  His opponent is none of those things.  

We proudly endorse President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris for re-election.  

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