Sunday, September 22, 2024

An Opportunity Missed by American Conservative Evangelical Leaders

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.  Matthew 5:9 NIV 

Texas Baptist Standard: Springfield Faith Leaders Stand With Embattled Migrants

Texas Baptist Standard Editor Eric Black: Condemn False Claims About Haitian Immigrants

It has been heartwarming to see local pastors and church leaders in Springfield, Ohio, step up to help defend and protect their neighbors from attacks that are the result of lies, and there is nothing else to call them but that, lies told by the Republican party's nominees for President and Vice-President, to try and gather support for a political issue.  After all, many of these people, who were invited into the community to fill jobs that are helping support the economic revitalization of the town, are also in the church pews on Sunday, and actively engaging in the church ministry during the week.  

What an awful thing it has been, and continues to be, to see Americans, all of whom are the descendants of immigrants ourselves, either stand idly by while this happens, and not call it out, or join in to help terrorize this community with threats of violence and bomb threats, disrupting the life of the community and spreading fear that helps push hatred of people who were completely innocent of what they were accused of doing, and who have done nothing but contribute to the betterment of the entire community.  

Telling this lie, having it proven to be a lie, seeing the terror that it caused and then seeing both Trump and Vance, a fellow Ohioan, continue to defend it and continue to lie tells me that neither of these men have the moral character to serve in public office, and that they have absolutely no understanding of, or respect for the core values that make America the great nation that it is.  They don't know that the true "blood" of America can't be corrupted or "poisoned" by immigrants, because the blood of America that built this nation is the blood of immigrants, of all races, ethnicities and cultures. 

The fact that there is not a flood of criticism and repudiation of this from Christians of all brands, stripes and varieties in this country is very telling about how much real Christianity actually exists among these sects, and how much the people who belong to them actually know about who Jesus Christ was, what he taught and the values and character traits by which he set an example for his followers to live out.   

Christians who openly support this candidate, his running mate and his party really need to do some sincere, deep, self-evaluation of their own faith.  

My friends, this can't go on.  A spring doesn't gush fresh water one day and brackish water the next, does it?  Apple trees don't bear strawberries, do they?  Raspberry bushes don't bear apples, do they?  You're not going to dip into a polluted mud hole and get a cup of clear, cool water, are you?  James 3:11-12, MSG  

The fact that some of the big names of self-proclaimed Christian "leaders" among conservative Evangelicals have not spoken up to condemn this clearly anti-Christian lie, and the threats that it has caused, as well as condemning those politicians who are defending it and continuing to spread it, is legitimate cause to question their Christian maturity and the depth of their spiritual commitment to the Christian gospel, and to Jesus Christ.  It's not my place to judge their conversion experience, but as a fellow Christian, it is my place to call out this obvious sinful behavior.  And it is also legitimate to call them out for continuing to support politicians who are so obviously anti-Christian in their values and morals, and anti-patriotic in their commitment to America's Constitution and its founding principles. 

I would expect to see Christians who do have sincere convictions and a living, active faith step up and put themselves in a place to be of service to both the people of Springfield, and specifically, to the Haitians who are being terrorized and will wind up bearing the brunt of the threats.  So far, it looks like those stepping up to defend what is right and true, and to help out are more of what the conservatives like to criticize as being liberal, progressive and woke.  I am not surprised that they are the ones who are demonstrating a sincere and committed Christian faith.  

How is it possible, after seeing something like this happen, for people who claim to follow the teachings of the Christian gospel, continue to support a politician who is so much the opposite of what they claim to believe?  And what kind of testimony is it showing to the people of Springfield, especially to those who share a commitment to the same Christian gospel?     

Baptist News Global: Greg Garrett, "Who is my Neighbor?"

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