Friday, September 20, 2024

Religion is a Factor in the 2024 Election, Protecting Freedom of Conscience and Religious Liberty is a Priority

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise therof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.  

The first amendment to the Constitution of the United States eliminates any doubt related to whether or not the United States is a "Christian" nation, or whether it ever can be a Christian nation, depending on how any form of Christian nationalism interprets that term.  It was not the intention of the founders, clearly, to establish a "Christian" nation, even by allowing a state church to attach itself to the government and then have influence over the religious practice of American citizens, which was the case in several of the states when the Constitution was written and ratified.  

In fact, it was the presence of a state church in Virginia, the Church of England, and its attempt to control the religious practice of dissident Christian denominations, most notably the Baptists, through use of the law, and by persecution of their members and ministers, that convinced James Madison of the need for the Constitution to protect freedom of conscience, and religious practice and belief was at the top of his list of protections.  A church, vested with government authority to enforce its own doctrine, theology and practice was not consistent with the vision of America's founding fathers.  

There's no argument that Christianity, and more specifically, Protestant Christianity, has been an overwhelming Christian influence over American society and culture, and over its politics, too.  Even now, Protestant church members make up a majority of the members of Congress.  A majority of Americans claim affiliation with one of several branches of Protestant Christianity, or they are Catholic or Orthodox.  

But this has all been the result of that first amendment right to freedom of conscience.  In fact, Christian evangelism, which involves a ministry of convincing individuals they are sinners in need of a Christian conversion experience in order to be reconciled to the God who created them, through Jesus Christ, the incarnation of God in the flesh, has never enjoyed the kind of success it has experienced in those places in the world where it is free from control of the state, and required to exercise its faith spiritually, rather than enforce doctrine and practice by government edict.  

State enforced Christianity is not Christianity, and it has never been successful in achieving anything but bloodshed and destruction resulting from the hatred it generates.

Any Form of Christian Nationalism is Restricted by the Constitution

Of the several brands of Christian nationalism that exist, including the racist and misogynistic varieties which subjugate people of color and women, none is compatible with the Constitution.  Religious liberty means that those who choose not to believe or practice any religion have rights that are equal to others and protected under the law.  

Christian nationalism is not based on the Christian gospel, which are the teachings of Jesus Christ and the interpretations of them by his apostles.  It's based on a false, literal reading and interpretation of the Bible that elevates and mis-interprets passages from the Old Covenant, selectively adding them to Christian practice, something that was anticipated as possible by the writer of Hebrews, and completely refuted.  Jesus also refutes the idea of a political, worldly "kingdom" led by Christians in the same way that Israel was once led by judges and then monarchs believed to be appointed by God. 

Christian nationalism is pushing its way into this election through Trump's candidacy.  He can deny his approval of, or association with the Heritage Foundation and their authorship of Project 2025, but they wrote it anticipating his third run for the White House, and until word got out about what was inside, where it came from, and it became one of the most unpopular issue proposals in politics, Trump fully embraced it.  Consider his denial of it one more of his lies, he will implement it if elected and deny he denied it.  He believes his base is pathetic and bottomless in their stupidity and ignorance.   

Muslim Voters and the Israeli-Gaza War

Muslims have been part of American history since the beginning, and religious liberty guaranteed by the Constitution guarantees the practice of Islam is protected freedom of conscience in the United States.  The social structure of Islam and the politics associated with the places and cultures in the world where Islam is predominant are not conducive to democracy.  And that may have something to do with the difficulties they sometimes experience in American democracy.  

In spite of the fact that Muslims are socially and culturally conservative, their best political ally in the United States is the Democratic party.  The right wing, white, Christian influence on the Republican party sees Muslim Americans as outsiders, foreigners, pagans and anti-American.  In recent years, because of political developments in the Middle East, and because of the 9-11 attacks, there is an increased perception that they are also subversive, though there is no evidence of that at all.  

There is also an element of self-sabotage and self-defeat among Muslims engaged in politics.  Those who are politically engaged are also highly educated, and yet they sometimes do not seem to grasp exactly how political influence works in a constitutional democracy.  The positions they've taken on the Israeli-Gaza war are evidence of this political naivete.  

The approach has been to speak up, gain attention, make unreasonable, unrealistic demands and then defeat their own cause by threatening to withdraw support when the demands are not met.  It's an "all or nothing" approach that winds up diminishing their voice and diffusing their influence when they can't support their demand or their threat.  

The one politician running for President of the United States with the power, influence and ability to bring about a cease fire in Gaza, ending the misery of the people there, and then use that same power and influence to bring about a resolution that is agreeable to all parties, or at least liveable, is Kamala Harris.  Trump is the enemy of American Muslims, has done everything possible to irritate them and minimize their influence, has threatened to once again ban the immigration of Muslims into the United States and if possible, would deport even the American citizens among this group if he thought he could get away with it.  

Support by Muslim voters and leaders for Harris during the election will go a long way toward their getting some of what they're asking for.  That's really how it works.  An immediate cease fire in Gaza his high on the Vice-President's list of priorities, and that's what Muslims need to realize, and support right now.  Long term, if they want their influence to be part of future discussion about where things go, they need to be supportive now.  Using the threat of throwing their support to Stein gets them nothing.  And the fact of the matter is that a lot of Muslim Americans won't support Stein because she is Jewish.  

My guess is that most American Muslims know that a United States under President Kamala Harris will be much more friendly, hospitable and safe for their continued existence than a United States under Trump.  And when it comes to the privacy of the voting booth, that's who they'll choose, regardless of what their political leadership says.  

A Republican-Led America is an Anti-Semitic America

Conservative Evangelicalism is a hotbed of anti-Semitism.  Ideologically, a fundamental point of a more populist view of Christianity, that element of the Christian faith separated from its theological and doctrinal experts in the divinity schools and seminaries, is that the Jews guessed wrong on Christ and their exclusion from the blessings and benefits of the faith is punishment for that.  There are some Christians whose Armageddon view of the "end times" includes a point of redemption for a small remnant of Jews, but this is the point from where American anti-Semitism arises and takes over.  

Some branches of Christian nationalism have a philosophy of government that allows people of different religions their life, and maybe allows them, within their own community, the ability to practice their own faith.  They are "subject peoples," with few rights, and no protected freedoms.  There are others who see their role as "chosen" by God and he's going to stand behind them, holding their coat-tails and cheering them on as they cleanse the country of its anti-Christian, anti-American, non-white elements.  Listen to their rhetoric.  Pick up a few books and read about it.  It's all there.  

The effective Jewish politicians in the United States, those who have been able to contribute to the party's success, those who have vision and energy for achieving it, are all Democrats. Jamie Raskin, Congressman from Maryland, can give a very good rundown of the reasons why this is the case. There's a reason for that.  They can sense that they're not welcome in the other party, and now, the rise of anti-Semitic sentiment is so visible in the MAGA party, it is causing some Jewish Americans to put resources toward emigrating elsewhere, if it comes down to it.  

Now, we have Trump claiming that if he doesn't win the election, it will be because of the Jewish Americans.  Does he not realize what kind of a target that puts on the backs of Jewish people?  This man, who has used his words to incite deadly violence, actually made that statement.  And the media in this country sits silent, not calling him out.  

Religious Diversity Makes America Great

Neither the Democratic party, nor any of its candidates, pose any threat to Americans who have religious beliefs and convictions.  From the Democratic party we get protection of the right to a free conscience, and the full benefit of the separation of church and state that our founding fathers desired to give us as a gift.  

The Republicans label themselves as the "party of God," and yet, they have allowed themselves to be taken over by a man who exhibits no moral values or ethical practices, whose character is known more for its lying, adultery and philandering, and for its love of money and power above protecting individual rights.  They have let this man, who has openly rejected the very premise of Christian conversion, become the nominee of their party for the Presidency three times.  Among the many American ideals this anti-American bigot proclaims and promotes is a hatred for America's religious diversity, something he reflects from his conservative Evangelical constituency.  

I'm not much of a shopper, but I will frequently go with my wife to the big box discount department store where she likes to shop, because every time I go in there, it's an experience that is unique not only to America, but to the part of the city of Chicago where I live.  It's a busy store, and walking through the door puts us in a group of shoppers who are as culturally and religiously diverse as could be found anywhere on this planet.  

There are Muslims with their traditional dress, including women wearing Burkas, Orthodox Jews with their black clothing, hats, beards and curling earlocks, Hindus, some in very bright traditional colored clothing, there are Sikhs, and there are Latinos, Blacks and whites.  If it wasn't an obvious intrusion, I'd be taking pictures of this place, where people come together, shop together, and live in the same general neighborhood.  We greet each other, smile at each other, sometimes engage in conversation.  

Because that's America.  

A vote for Democrats is a vote for the United States Constitution, and for the freedom of conscience it provides.


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