The Senate will vote on the continuing resolution keeping the government funded today. But this bill does much more than that. It basically concedes powers given to Congress to Trump and Musk. It is one more step down the road to dictatorship, planned by an administration that is following their Project 2025 playbook to the letter.
We know that government shutdowns can be rough. But let me tell you, if this bill passes, it will be much rougher. There are concessions in it that would take what little leverage the minority party in the Congress still has to protect American democracy, and give it away.
Politics is once again disabling the Democratic party and its ability to function as resistance and opposition to the destruction of American democracy. They keep telling us that Trump is an existential threat to democracy, and then, instead of stepping up and taking the bold action necessary to stop him, they start to think of their own political rear ends, and they back down.
I'm sorry, Senator Schumer. You were in charge in 2020, when the Senate could have make a risky, but bold move, broken the filibuster, packed the damn Supreme Court, saved Roe, eliminated the threat of a presidential immunity ruling and pushed Trump's insurrection trial to a speedy conclusion. We wouldn't be here now if that had happened then.
Well, this is also risky, and bold. But if sticking up a finger to see which way the political wind is blowing is the modus operandi of Senate Democrats, letting the bill go without passing it, which would lead to a government shutdown, shows the wind to be in your favor. Americans, who had the truth hidden from them during an entire Presidential campaign, are waking up to the consequences of having a demagogue and an unelected foreigner trying to run the government by executive order. Democrats have not even been involved in any of the negotiations for this bill, how in the world can they be blamed for not voting for it? And the fact of the matter is that this isn't as risky as it might seem, because of that fact. The Republicans are in charge, the blame for a government shutdown will fall on them.
So come on, Senator Schumer, and any others who are thinking of pushing this through because it might look political. Grow a pair. Or step down and let Governor Hochul appoint AOC to the Senate.
Vote no on cloture. Be the party you were elected by your constituents to be. Stand up to Trump.
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